Interface ProcessEventRecordValue

  • All Superinterfaces:
    JsonSerializable, ProcessInstanceRelated, RecordValue, RecordValueWithVariables

    public interface ProcessEventRecordValue
    extends RecordValueWithVariables, ProcessInstanceRelated
    Represents a signal that an event was triggered in a process instance, within a given scope, and targeting a particular element identified by its ID.

    The scope here can refer to a process definition (for start events), or to a specific element instance, e.g. an activity. Note that the scope may be (and usually is) a different element instance than the one identified by the getTargetElementId().

    The target element ID refer to the element which should receive the payload of the event, e.g. the boundary event, or the start event. For example, if the scope is a sub process, then the target element ID could refer to one of its boundary events.

    NOTE: this record is optional, and events can be triggered without this record being emitted. It's meant to be used mostly when the scope and/or target element of the event is far removed from the emitter (e.g. error throw end event, escalation), and there is no special purpose entity associated with the emitter (e.g. timer, message).

    • Method Detail

      • getScopeKey

        long getScopeKey()
        the key identifying the event's scope
      • getTargetElementId

        String getTargetElementId()
        the ID of the element which should react to the event
      • getProcessDefinitionKey

        long getProcessDefinitionKey()
        the key of the deployed process this instance belongs to.