Class BpmnVariableMappingBehavior

  • public final class BpmnVariableMappingBehavior
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • applyInputMappings

        public Either<Failure,​Void> applyInputMappings​(BpmnElementContext context,
                                                             ExecutableFlowNode element)
        Apply the input mappings for a BPMN element. Generally called on activating of the element.
        context - The current bpmn element context
        element - The current bpmn element
        either void if successful, otherwise a failure
      • applyOutputMappings

        public Either<Failure,​Void> applyOutputMappings​(BpmnElementContext context,
                                                              ExecutableFlowNode element)
        Apply the output mappings for a BPMN element. Generally called on completing of the element.
        context - The current bpmn element context
        element - The current bpmn element
        either void if successful, otherwise a failure