Class VariableMappingTransformer

  • public final class VariableMappingTransformer
    extends Object
    Transform variable mappings into an expression.

    The resulting expression is a FEEL context that has a similar structure as a JSON document. Each target of a mapping is a key in the context and the source of this mapping is the context value. The source expression can be any FEEL expression. A nested target expression is transformed into a nested context.

    Variable mappings:

       source | target
        x     | a
        y     | b.c
        z     | b.d
    FEEL context expression:
         a: x,
         b: {
           c: y,
           d: z

    Output variable mappings differ from input mappings that the result variables needs to be merged with the existing variables if the variable is a JSON object. The merging is done by calling the FEEL function 'put all()' and referencing the variable.

         a: x,
         b: if (b = null)
            then {
              c: y,
              d: z
            else put all(b, {
              c: y,
              d: z
    • Constructor Detail

      • VariableMappingTransformer

        public VariableMappingTransformer()
    • Method Detail

      • transformInputMappings

        public io.camunda.zeebe.el.Expression transformInputMappings​(Collection<? extends ZeebeMapping> inputMappings,
                                                                     io.camunda.zeebe.el.ExpressionLanguage expressionLanguage)
      • transformOutputMappings

        public io.camunda.zeebe.el.Expression transformOutputMappings​(Collection<? extends ZeebeMapping> outputMappings,
                                                                      io.camunda.zeebe.el.ExpressionLanguage expressionLanguage)