Package io.camunda.zeebe.engine.processing.deployment.model.element
Interface Summary Interface Description ExecutableCatchEvent ExecutableCatchEventSupplier ExecutableFlowElement -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractFlowElement ExecutableActivity ExecutableBoundaryEvent ExecutableCallActivity ExecutableCatchEventElement ExecutableEndEvent ExecutableError ExecutableEventBasedGateway ExecutableExclusiveGateway ExecutableFlowElementContainer ExecutableFlowElementContainer is currently used to represent processes as well (Process
), which may seem counter intuitive; at the moment, the reason is that sub processes are also modelled using the same class, and sub processes need to reuse the logic for both.ExecutableFlowNode ExecutableJobWorkerTask An representation of a task that is based on a job and should be processed by a job worker.ExecutableLoopCharacteristics ExecutableMessage ExecutableMultiInstanceBody ExecutableProcess Executable* prefix in order to avoid confusion with model API classes.ExecutableReceiveTask ExecutableSequenceFlow ExecutableStartEvent