Interface StreamProcessorListener

  • public interface StreamProcessorListener
    A listener for the StreamProcessor. Allows retrieving insides of the processing and replay of records. It can be especially useful for testing purposes. Note that the listener is invoked inside the context of the stream processor and should not block its execution.
    • Method Detail

      • onProcessed

        void onProcessed​(TypedRecord<?> processedCommand)
        Is called when a command is processed.
        processedCommand - the command that is processed
      • onSkipped

        default void onSkipped​(LoggedEvent skippedRecord)
        Is called when a record is skipped and not processed.
        skippedRecord - the record that is skipped
      • onReplayed

        default void onReplayed​(long lastReplayedEventPosition,
                                long lastReadRecordPosition)
        Is called when one or more events are replayed. Even if the state changes are not applied.
        lastReplayedEventPosition - the position of the event that is replayed last
        lastReadRecordPosition - the position of the record that is read last