Interface StreamProcessorLifecycleAware

All Known Subinterfaces:
MutableZeebeState, TypedRecordProcessor<T>, ZeebeState
All Known Implementing Classes:
BpmnStreamProcessor, CancelTimerProcessor, CommandProcessorImpl, CompleteDeploymentDistributionProcessor, DbMessageSubscriptionState, DbMigrationController, DbProcessMessageSubscriptionState, DeploymentCreateProcessor, DeploymentDistributeProcessor, DeploymentRedistributor, DueDateChecker, DueDateTimerChecker, JobBackoffChecker, JobBatchActivateProcessor, JobTimeoutTrigger, MessageExpireProcessor, MessageObserver, MessagePublishProcessor, MessageSubscriptionCorrelateProcessor, MessageSubscriptionCreateProcessor, MessageSubscriptionDeleteProcessor, MessageSubscriptionRejectProcessor, PendingProcessMessageSubscriptionChecker, ProcessInstanceCommandProcessor, ProcessMessageSubscriptionCorrelateProcessor, ProcessMessageSubscriptionCreateProcessor, ProcessMessageSubscriptionDeleteProcessor, ResolveIncidentProcessor, TriggerTimerProcessor, UpdateVariableDocumentProcessor, ZeebeDbState

public interface StreamProcessorLifecycleAware
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Callback which is called when StreamProcessor is on closing phase.
    default void
    Callback which is called when the StreamProcessor failed, during startup or processing.
    default void
    Callback which is called when the processing is paused, will only called after onRecovered was called before.
    default void
    Callback after reprocessing was successful and before regular processing begins
    default void
    Callback which is called when the processing is resumed, will only called after onPaused was called before.
  • Method Details

    • onRecovered

      default void onRecovered(ReadonlyProcessingContext context)
      Callback after reprocessing was successful and before regular processing begins
    • onClose

      default void onClose()
      Callback which is called when StreamProcessor is on closing phase.
    • onFailed

      default void onFailed()
      Callback which is called when the StreamProcessor failed, during startup or processing.
    • onPaused

      default void onPaused()
      Callback which is called when the processing is paused, will only called after onRecovered was called before.
    • onResumed

      default void onResumed()
      Callback which is called when the processing is resumed, will only called after onPaused was called before.