All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an activated JobRecordValue.
Provides decision behavior to the BPMN processors
The business logic of an BPMN element container (e.g.
Process instance-related data of the element that is executed.
The business logic of a BPMN element.
Something went wrong during the process processing.
Helper class that analyzes a process instance at runtime.
High-level record processor abstraction that implements the common behavior of most command-handling processors.
Decorates a command processor with simple accept and reject logic.
The CommandValueAndValueTypeWrapper is used to store a command value with it's corresponding ValueType in the state.
This migration will read the decision in the decisionByKey ColumnFamily.
This class is a similar to the DeployedProcess class.
DeplyomentRecord wrapper to store the record in the State.
Applies the state changes for a specific event.
Applies state changes from events to the MutableProcessingState.
Exception that can be thrown during processing of a command, in case the engine could not subscribe to an event.
A representation of an element that calls a decision.
ExecutableFlowElementContainer is currently used to represent processes as well (Process), which may seem counter intuitive; at the moment, the reason is that sub processes are also modelled using the same class, and sub processes need to reuse the logic for both.
A representation of an element that is based on a job and should be processed by a job worker.
Executable* prefix in order to avoid confusion with model API classes.
A representation of an element that execute feel script expression.
Utility class to help with transforming expressions from strings to objects (i.e.
Simple String wrapper for when something fails and a message needs to be used.
This class indexes a MsgPack document from the given buffer by doing an initial parsing and caching the offsets for each key-value pair.
JobActivationProperties represents the minimum set of properties required to activate a JobRecordValue in the engine.
A JobStreamer allows the engine to push data back to a single gateway (any).
Logic which is executed when the job cannot be pushed downstream.
A JobStreamer.JobStream allows consumers to push out activated jobs.
The properties of an element that is based on a job and should be processed by a job worker.
A BPMN processor for tasks that are based on jobs and should be processed by job workers.
Index to point to a specific position in the messages with deadline column family.
Reads out the sent time for message subscriptions and sets the correlating field in records inZbColumnFamilies.MESSAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_BY_KEY
The Message TTL Checker looks for expired message deadlines, and for each of those it writes an EXPIRE Message command.
Interface for migration tasks.
Exception that can be thrown during processing of a command, in case the engine found more than one instance of a flow scope, but it expects only one.
Captures the transient (in-memory) state for a ProcessMessageSubscription.
Checks the preconditions of a state transition command.
Migrates pending process message subscriptions by adding them to PendingProcessMessageSubscriptionState and removing them from ZbColumnFamilies.PROCESS_SUBSCRIPTION_BY_SENT_TIME.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Contains read-only state that can be accessed safely by scheduled tasks.
A chain of side effects that are executed/flushed together at the end of the processing.
An event writer that alters the state for each events it writes.
Send commands via the subscription endpoint.
Reads out the temporary variable column and creates an EventTrigger for reach of them.
This class keeps track of the last sent time of commands related to either message subscriptions or process message subscriptions.
This interface is supposed to replace TypedCommandWriter
Applies state changes for a specific event to the MutableProcessingState.
Exception that can be thrown during processing of a command, in case the engine attempts to directly activate a multi-instance body, which is not supported at this time.
A behavior which allows processors to mutate the variable state.
Transform variable mappings into an expression.
Convenience class to aggregate all the writers
ZeebeExpressionValidator<T extends org.camunda.bpm.model.xml.instance.ModelElementInstance>
ZeebeExpressionValidator.Builder<T extends org.camunda.bpm.model.xml.instance.ModelElementInstance>