Interface JobState

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public interface JobState
  • Method Details

    • forEachTimedOutEntry

      JobState.DeadlineIndex forEachTimedOutEntry(long executionTimestamp, JobState.DeadlineIndex startAt, BiPredicate<Long,JobRecord> callback)
      Loops over all timed-out job entries and applies the provided callback.
      executionTimestamp - Timestamp against which it's determined whether the deadline has expired
      startAt - Index used to start the iteration at; looping starts at the beginning when startAt is null
      callback - A callback method to be applied to each job entry. It must return a boolean that when true allows the loop to continue, or when false stops iteration.
      The last visited index where the iteration has stopped because the callback method returned false or null if it was not the case.
    • exists

      boolean exists(long jobKey)
    • getState

      JobState.State getState(long key)
    • isInState

      boolean isInState(long key, JobState.State state)
    • forEachActivatableJobs

      void forEachActivatableJobs(org.agrona.DirectBuffer type, List<String> tenantIds, BiFunction<Long,JobRecord,Boolean> callback)
    • getJob

      JobRecord getJob(long key)
    • getJob

      JobRecord getJob(long key, Map<String,Object> authorizations)
    • jobDeadlineExists

      boolean jobDeadlineExists(long jobKey, long deadline)
    • findBackedOffJobs

      long findBackedOffJobs(long timestamp, BiPredicate<Long,JobRecord> callback)