Interface MutableDistributionState

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public interface MutableDistributionState extends DistributionState
  • Method Details

    • addCommandDistribution

      void addCommandDistribution(long distributionKey, CommandDistributionRecord commandDistributionRecord)
      Adds a distribution to the state
      distributionKey - the key of the distribution
      commandDistributionRecord - the distribution record that needs to be stored
    • removeCommandDistribution

      void removeCommandDistribution(long distributionKey)
      Removed a distribution from the state
      distributionKey - the key of the distribution that will be removed
    • addPendingDistribution

      void addPendingDistribution(long distributionKey, int partition)
      Adds a pending distribution to the state
      distributionKey - the key of the distribution
      partition - the partition for which the distribution is pending
    • removePendingDistribution

      void removePendingDistribution(long distributionKey, int partition)
      Removes a pending distribution fromm the state
      distributionKey - the key of the pending distribution that will be removed
      partition - the partition of the pending distribution that will be removed