Interface MutableVariableState

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public interface MutableVariableState extends VariableState
  • Method Details

    • setVariableLocal

      void setVariableLocal(long key, long scopeKey, long processDefinitionKey, org.agrona.DirectBuffer name, org.agrona.DirectBuffer value)
      Creates or updates the variable with name within the given scope with scopeKey, setting its value to the given value.

      This method is expected to be called directly ONLY from an EventApplier or from tests.

      key - the variable key
      scopeKey - the local scope of the variable
      processDefinitionKey - the associated process key, mostly for monitoring purposes
      name - the name of the variable
      value - the value of the variable (MsgPack encoded)
    • setVariableLocal

      void setVariableLocal(long key, long scopeKey, long processDefinitionKey, org.agrona.DirectBuffer name, int nameOffset, int nameLength, org.agrona.DirectBuffer value, int valueOffset, int valueLength)
      Creates or updates the variable with name within the given scope with scopeKey, setting its value to the given value.

      This method is expected to be called directly ONLY from an EventApplier or from tests.

      key - the variable key
      scopeKey - the local scope of the variable
      processDefinitionKey - the associated process key, mostly for monitoring purposes
      name - the name of the variable
      nameOffset - offset at which the name starts in the name buffer
      nameLength - length of the variable name in the name buffer
      value - the value of the variable (MsgPack encoded)
      valueOffset - offset at which the value starts in the value buffer
      valueLength - length of the variable value in the value buffer
    • createScope

      void createScope(long childKey, long parentKey)
    • removeScope

      void removeScope(long scopeKey)
    • removeAllVariables

      void removeAllVariables(long scopeKey)