



package jc

This object contains code that should be visible to users of Chymyst Core. It also serves as an interface to macros. This allows users to import just one package and use all functionality of Chymyst Core.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. jc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class AtLeastOneEmitted(id: Int, name: String) extends OutputEnvironment with Product with Serializable


    Describes an output environment that is guaranteed to emit the molecule at least once.

    Describes an output environment that is guaranteed to emit the molecule at least once. This is currently used only in a do-while construct.


    Id of the output environment construct.


    Name of the construct: one of "do while", "condition of while", or "condition of do while".

  2. final class B[T, R] extends (T) ⇒ R with Molecule


    Blocking molecule class.

    Blocking molecule class. Instance is mutable until the molecule is bound to a reaction site and until all reactions involving this molecule are declared.


    Type of the value carried by the molecule.


    Type of the value replied to the caller via the "reply" action.

  3. final class BlackboxMacros extends ReactionMacros

  4. final case class ChooserBlock(id: Int, clause: Int, total: Int) extends OutputEnvironment with Product with Serializable


    Describes a molecule emitted in a chooser clause, that is, in an if-then-else or match-case construct.

    Describes a molecule emitted in a chooser clause, that is, in an if-then-else or match-case construct.


    Id of the chooser construct.


    Zero-based index of the clause.


    Total number of clauses in the chooser constructs (2 for if-then-else, 2 or greater for match-case).

  5. final class ChymystThreadInfo extends AnyRef


    Represents information carried by every Chymyst thread that runs a reaction.

  6. class CommonMacros extends AnyRef

  7. final case class ConstInputPattern(v: Any) extends InputPatternType with Product with Serializable


    Represents molecules that have constant pattern matchers, such as a(1).

    Represents molecules that have constant pattern matchers, such as a(1). Constant pattern matchers are either literal values (Int, String, Symbol, etc.) or special values such as None, Nil, (), as well as Some, Left, Right, List, and tuples of constant matchers.


    Value of the constant. This is nominally of type Any but actually is of the molecule's value type T.

  8. final case class ConstOutputPattern(v: Any) extends OutputPatternType with Product with Serializable

  9. final case class CrossMoleculeGuard(indices: Array[Int], symbols: Array[Symbol], cond: PartialFunction[List[Any], Unit]) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents the structure of the cross-molecule guard condition for a reaction.

    Represents the structure of the cross-molecule guard condition for a reaction. A cross-molecule guard constrains values of several molecules at once.


    Integer indices of affected molecules in the reaction input.


    Symbols of variables used by the guard condition.


    Partial function that applies to its argument, of type List[Any], if the cross-molecule guard evaluates to true on these values. The arguments of the partial function must correspond to the values of the affected molecules, in the order of the reaction input.

  10. implicit final class EmitMultiple extends AnyRef


    Convenience syntax: users can write a(x) + b(y) to emit several molecules at once.

    Convenience syntax: users can write a(x) + b(y) to emit several molecules at once. However, the molecules are still emitted one by one in the present implementation. So, a(x) + b(y) + c(z) is equivalent to a(x); b(y); c(z).


    An auxiliary class with a + operation.

  11. class FixedPool extends PoolExecutor

  12. final case class FuncBlock(id: Int, name: String) extends OutputEnvironment with Product with Serializable


    Describes a molecule emitted under a function call.

    Describes a molecule emitted under a function call.


    Id of the function call construct.


    Fully qualified name of the function call, for example "".

  13. final case class FuncLambda(id: Int) extends OutputEnvironment with Product with Serializable


    Describes a molecule emitted under an anonymous function.

    Describes a molecule emitted under an anonymous function.


    Id of the anonymous function construct.

  14. sealed trait GuardPresenceFlag extends AnyRef


    Indicates whether a reaction has a guard condition.

  15. final case class GuardPresent(staticGuard: Option[() ⇒ Boolean], crossGuards: Array[CrossMoleculeGuard]) extends GuardPresenceFlag with Product with Serializable


    Indicates whether guard conditions are required for this reaction to start.

    Indicates whether guard conditions are required for this reaction to start.

    The guard is parsed into a flat conjunction of guard clauses, which are then analyzed for cross-dependencies between molecules.

    For example, consider the reaction

    go { case a(x) + b(y) + c(z) if x > n && y > 0 && y > z && n > 1 => ...}

    Here n is an integer value defined outside the reaction.

    The conditions for starting this reaction is that a(x) has value x such that x > n; that b(y) has value y such that y > 0; that c(z) has value z such that y > z; and finally that n > 1, independently of any molecule values. The condition n > 1 is a static guard. The condition x > n restricts only the molecule a(x) and therefore can be moved out of the guard into the per-molecule conditional inside InputMoleculeInfo for that molecule. Similarly, the condition y > 0 can be moved out of the guard. However, the condition y > z relates two different molecule values; it is a cross-molecule guard.

    Any guard condition given by the reaction code will be converted to the Conjunctive Normal Form, and split into a static guard, a set of per-molecule conditionals, and a set of cross-molecule guards.


    The conjunction of all the clauses of the guard that are independent of pattern variables. This closure can be called in order to determine whether the reaction should even be considered to start, regardless of the presence of molecules. In this example, the value of staticGuard will be Some(() => n > 1).


    A list of values of type CrossMoleculeGuard, each representing one cross-molecule clauses of the guard. The partial function Any => Unit should be called with the arguments representing the tuples of pattern variables from each molecule used by the cross guard. In the present example, the value of crossGuards will be an array with the single element

    CrossMoleculeGuard(indices = Array(1, 2), List((List('y, 'z), { case List(y: Int, z: Int) if y > z => () })))
  16. final case class InputMoleculeInfo(molecule: Molecule, index: Int, flag: InputPatternType, sha1: String, valType: Symbol) extends Product with Serializable


    Compile-time information about an input molecule pattern in a certain reaction where the molecule is consumed.

    Compile-time information about an input molecule pattern in a certain reaction where the molecule is consumed.


    The molecule emitter value that represents the input molecule.


    Zero-based index of this molecule in the input list of the reaction.


    A value of type InputPatternType that describes the value pattern: wildcard, constant match, etc.


    Hash sum of the input pattern's source code (desugared Scala representation).


    String representation of the type T of the molecule's value, e.g. for M[T] or B[T, R].

  17. sealed trait InputPatternType extends AnyRef


    Represents compile-time information about the pattern matching for values carried by input molecules.

    Represents compile-time information about the pattern matching for values carried by input molecules. Possibilities: a(_) is represented by WildcardInput a(x) is represented by SimpleVarInput with value SimpleVar(v = 'x, cond = None) a(x) if x > 0 is represented by SimpleVarInput with value SimpleVar(v = 'x, cond = Some({ case x : Int if x > 0 => })) a(Some(1)) is represented by ConstInputPattern with value SimpleConst(v = Some(1)) a( (x, Some((y,z)))) ) if x > y is represented by OtherInputPattern with value

    OtherInputPattern(matcher = { case (x, Some((y,z)))) if x > y => }, vars = List('x, 'y, 'z), isIrrefutable = false)
  18. final class M[T] extends (T) ⇒ Unit with Molecule


    Non-blocking molecule class.

    Non-blocking molecule class. Instance is mutable until the molecule is bound to a reaction site and until all reactions involving this molecule are declared.


    Type of the value carried by the molecule.

  19. sealed trait Molecule extends PersistentHashCode


    Abstract trait representing a molecule emitter.

    Abstract trait representing a molecule emitter. This trait is not parameterized by type and is used in collections of molecules that do not require knowledge of molecule types. Its only implementations are the classes B and M.

  20. final class MoleculeMacros extends CommonMacros

  21. sealed trait MutableBag[T] extends AnyRef


    Abstract container with multiset functionality.

    Abstract container with multiset functionality. Concrete implementations may optimize for specific access patterns.


    Type of the value carried by molecule.

  22. final class MutableMapBag[T] extends MutableBag[T]


    Implementation using guava's

    Implementation using guava's

    This is suitable for types that have a small number of possible values (i.e. Core.simpleTypes), or for molecules constrained by cross-molecule dependencies where selection by value is important.

  23. class MutableMultiset[T] extends AnyRef


    A simple, limited multiset implementation currently only used by Core.streamDiff.

    A simple, limited multiset implementation currently only used by Core.streamDiff. - Not thread-safe. - No iterators over values.


    Type of values held by the multiset.

  24. final class MutableQueueBag[T] extends MutableBag[T]


    Implementation using java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.

    Implementation using java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.

    This is suitable for molecule value types that have a large number of possible values (so that a Map storage would be inefficient), or for cases where we do not need to group molecules by value (pipelined molecules).

  25. final case class OtherInputPattern(matcher: PartialFunction[Any, Unit], vars: List[Symbol], irrefutable: Boolean) extends InputPatternType with Product with Serializable


    Represents a general pattern that is neither a wildcard nor a single variable nor a constant.

    Represents a general pattern that is neither a wildcard nor a single variable nor a constant. Examples of such patterns are a(Some(x)) and a( (x, _, 2, List(a, b)) ).

    A pattern is recognized to be _irrefutable_ when it is a tuple where all places are either simple variables or wildcards. For example, a( z@(x, y, _) ) is an irrefutable pattern for a 3-tuple type. On the other hand, a( (x, _, Some(_) ) ) is not irrefutable because it fails to match a( (_, _, None) ). Another recognized case of irrefutable patterns is a single case class that extends a sealed trait.


    Partial function that applies to the argument when the pattern matches.


    List of symbols representing the variables used in the pattern, in the left-to-right order.


    true if the pattern will always match the argument of the correct type, false otherwise.

  26. sealed trait OutputEnvironment extends AnyRef


    Describe the code environment within which an output molecule is being emitted.

    Describe the code environment within which an output molecule is being emitted. Possible environments are ChooserBlock describing an if or match expression with clauses, and a function call FuncBlock.

    For example, if (x>0) a(x) else b(x) is a chooser block environment with 2 clauses, while (1 to 10).foreach(a) is a function block environment and (x) => a(x) is a FuncLambda environment.

  27. final case class OutputMoleculeInfo(molecule: Molecule, flag: OutputPatternType, environments: List[OutputEnvironment]) extends Product with Serializable


    Compile-time information about an output molecule pattern in a reaction.

    Compile-time information about an output molecule pattern in a reaction. This class is immutable.


    The molecule emitter value that represents the output molecule.


    Type of the output pattern: either a constant value or other value.


    The code environment in which this output molecule was emitted.

  28. sealed trait OutputPatternType extends AnyRef


    Represents the value pattern of an emitted output molecule.

    Represents the value pattern of an emitted output molecule. We distinguish only constant value patterns and all other patterns.

  29. sealed trait PersistentHashCode extends AnyRef


    Mix this trait into your class to make the has code persistent after the first time it's computed.

  30. trait Pool extends AutoCloseable


    A pool of execution threads, or another way of running tasks (could use actors or whatever else).

    A pool of execution threads, or another way of running tasks (could use actors or whatever else). Tasks submitted for execution can have Chymyst-specific info (useful for debugging) when scheduled using runReaction. The pool can be shut down, in which case all further tasks will be refused.

  31. final case class Reaction(info: ReactionInfo, body: ReactionBody, threadPool: Option[Pool], retry: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents a reaction.

    Represents a reaction. This class is immutable.


    A value of type ReactionInfo describing input and output molecules for this reaction.


    Partial function of type InputMoleculeList => Any


    Thread pool on which this reaction will be scheduled. (By default, the common pool is used.)


    Whether the reaction should be run again when an exception occurs in its body. Default is false.

  32. final class ReactionInfo extends AnyRef

  33. class ReactionMacros extends CommonMacros

  34. final case class SimpleVarInput(v: Symbol, cond: Option[PartialFunction[Any, Unit]]) extends InputPatternType with Product with Serializable

  35. class SmartPool extends Pool


    A cached pool that increases its thread count whenever a blocking molecule is emitted, and decreases afterwards.

    A cached pool that increases its thread count whenever a blocking molecule is emitted, and decreases afterwards. The BlockingIdle function, similar to scala.concurrent.blocking, is used to annotate expressions that should lead to an increase of thread count, and to a decrease of thread count once the idle blocking call returns.

  36. sealed trait TypeMustBeUnit[A] extends AnyRef


    Syntax helper for zero-argument molecule emitters.

    Syntax helper for zero-argument molecule emitters. This trait has a single method, getUnit, which returns a value of type T, but the only instance will exist if T is Unit and will return ().


    Type of the molecule value. If this is Unit, we will have an implicit value of type TypeIsUnit[A], which will define getUnit to return ().

  37. final case class WarningsAndErrors(warnings: Seq[String], errors: Seq[String], reactionSite: String) extends Product with Serializable


Value Members

  1. object +


    Convenience syntax: provides an unapply operation, so that users can write the chemical notation, such as a(x) + b(y) + ..., in reaction input patterns.

    Convenience syntax: provides an unapply operation, so that users can write the chemical notation, such as a(x) + b(y) + ..., in reaction input patterns. Pattern-matching can be used on molecule values at will, for example:

    go { case a(MyCaseClass(x, y)) + b(Some(z)) if x > z => ... }

    The chemical notation should be used only with the left-associative + operator grouped to the left. Input patterns with a right-associative grouping of the + operator, for example a(x) + ( b(y) + c(z) ), are rejected at compile time.

  2. object AllMatchersAreTrivial extends GuardPresenceFlag with Product with Serializable


    Indicates that a guard was initially absent and, in addition, all molecules have trivial matchers - this reaction can start with any molecule values.

  3. object BlockingIdle


    This is similar to scala.concurrent.blocking and is used to annotate expressions that should lead to a possible increase of thread count.

    This is similar to scala.concurrent.blocking and is used to annotate expressions that should lead to a possible increase of thread count. Multiple nested calls to BlockingIdle are equivalent to one call.

  4. object ConjunctiveNormalForm


    Helper functions that perform computations with Boolean formulas while keeping them in the conjunctive normal form.

    Helper functions that perform computations with Boolean formulas while keeping them in the conjunctive normal form.

    A Boolean formula in CNF is represented by a list of lists of an arbitrary type T. For instance, the Boolean formula (a || b) && (c || d || e) is represented as

    List( List(a, b), List(c, d, e) )

    These helper methods will compute disjunction, conjunction, and negation of Boolean formulas in CNF, outputting the results also in CNF. Simplifications are performed only in so far as to remove exact duplicate terms or clauses such as a || a or (a || b) && (a || b).

    The type T represents primitive Boolean terms that cannot be further simplified or factored to CNF. These terms could be represented by expression trees or in another way; the CNF computations do not depend on the representation of terms.

    Note that negation such as ! a is considered to be a primitive term. Negation of a conjunction or disjunction, such as ! (a || b), can be simplified to CNF.

  5. object Core

  6. object GuardAbsent extends GuardPresenceFlag with Product with Serializable


    Indicates that a guard was initially present but has been simplified, or it was absent but some molecules have nontrivial pattern matchers (not a wildcard and not a simple variable).

    Indicates that a guard was initially present but has been simplified, or it was absent but some molecules have nontrivial pattern matchers (not a wildcard and not a simple variable). In any case, no cross-molecule guard conditions need to be checked for this reaction to start.

  7. object Macros

  8. object OtherOutputPattern extends OutputPatternType with Product with Serializable

  9. object TypeMustBeUnitValue extends TypeMustBeUnit[Unit]


    Syntax helper for molecules with unit values.

    Syntax helper for molecules with unit values. An implicit value of TypeMustBeUnit[A] is available only if A == Unit.

  10. object WildcardInput extends InputPatternType with Product with Serializable

  11. implicit val _: TypeMustBeUnit[Unit]


    We need to have a single implicit instance of TypeMustBeUnit.

  12. macro def b[T, R]: B[T, R]


    Declare a new blocking molecule emitter.

    Declare a new blocking molecule emitter. The name of the molecule will be automatically assigned (via macro) to the name of the enclosing variable.


    Type of the value carried by the molecule.


    Type of the reply value.


    A new instance of class io.chymyst.jc.B[T,R].

  13. def cleanup[T, R](resource: ⇒ T)(cleanup: (T) ⇒ Unit)(doWork: (T) ⇒ R): Try[R]


    Run a closure with a resource that is allocated and safely cleaned up after use.

    Run a closure with a resource that is allocated and safely cleaned up after use. Resource will be cleaned up even if the closure throws an exception.


    Type of the resource value.


    Type of the result of doWork.


    A value of type T that needs to be created for use by doWork.


    A closure that will perform the necessary cleanup on the resource.


    A closure that will perform useful work, using the resource.


    The value returned by doWork, wrapped in a Try.

  14. def clearErrorLog(): Unit


    Clear the global error log used by all reaction sites to report runtime errors.

  15. def cpuCores: Int


    A convenience method that fetches the number of CPU cores of the current machine.

    A convenience method that fetches the number of CPU cores of the current machine.


    The number of available CPU cores.

  16. val defaultReactionPool: FixedPool

  17. def globalErrorLog: Iterable[String]


    Access the global error log used by all reaction sites to report runtime errors.

    Access the global error log used by all reaction sites to report runtime errors.


    An Iterable representing the complete error log.

  18. macro def go(reactionBody: ReactionBody): Reaction


    This is the main method for defining reactions.

    This is the main method for defining reactions. Examples:

    go { a(_) => ... }
    go { a (_) => ...}.withRetry onThreads threadPool

    The macro also obtains statically checkable information about input and output molecules in the reaction.


    The body of the reaction. This must be a partial function with pattern-matching on molecules.


    A Reaction value, containing the reaction body as well as static information about input and output molecules.

  19. macro def m[T]: M[T]


    Declare a new non-blocking molecule emitter.

    Declare a new non-blocking molecule emitter. The name of the molecule will be automatically assigned (via macro) to the name of the enclosing variable.


    Type of the value carried by the molecule.


    A new instance of class io.chymyst.jc.M[T].

  20. def site(reactions: Reaction*): WarningsAndErrors


    site() call with a default reaction pool.

  21. def site(reactionPool: Pool)(reactions: Reaction*): WarningsAndErrors


    Create a reaction site with one or more reactions.

    Create a reaction site with one or more reactions. All input and output molecules in reactions used in this site should have been already defined, and input molecules should not be already bound to another site.


    Thread pool for running new reactions.


    One or more reactions of type Reaction


    List of warning messages.

  22. def withPool[T](pool: ⇒ Pool)(doWork: (Pool) ⇒ T): Try[T]


    A helper method to run a closure that uses a thread pool, safely closing the pool after use.

    A helper method to run a closure that uses a thread pool, safely closing the pool after use.


    Type of the value returned by the closure.


    A thread pool value, evaluated lazily - typically new SmartPool(...).


    A closure, typically containing a site(pool)(...) call.


    The value returned by the closure, wrapped in a Try.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
