Package io.codemodder.codemods
package io.codemodder.codemods
ClassesClassDescriptionAdds braces in situations where the lack of braces in combination with whitespace makes it seem like statements are in a different code flow.This codemod finds missing i18n keys in property files and adds them to the file, using an LLM to generate the missing values.A codemod for automatically fixing missing @Override annotations.A codemod for setting a private constructor to hide implicit public constructor (Sonar)A codemod for declaring a variable on a separate line.Give an ability for users to list all the codemods so they don't have to reference them individually.This codemod knows how to fix SQL injection findings that come through DefectDojo for supported vendors.A codemod for defining a constant for a literal string that is duplicated n times.Disables automatic return of objects in
.A codemod for automatically removing redundant static flags on nested enums.Fix unsafe NIO path comparison.Adds gadget filtering logic toObjectInputStream
.Harden new process creation.A codemod that enforces the appropriate parsing technique for converting Strings to primitive types in the codebase.Adds gadget filtering logic toXMLDecoder
streams.Disables external entity resolution inXMLInputFactory
use.Disables external entity resolution inXMLReader
use.Adds gadget filtering logic to XStream deserialization.Adds path escaping detection toZipInputStream
.Parameterize possible injections for Hibernate queries.A codemod for automatically fixing input resource leaks detected by CodeQL's rule "java/input-resource-leak" whenever possible.Fixes issues reported under the id "java/insecure-cookie".A codemod for automatically fixing JDBC resource leaks detected by CodeQL's rule "java/database-resource-leak" whenever possible.A codemod for automatically fixing JEXL injections detected by CodeQL's rule "java/jexl-expression-injection" whenever possible.This type corrects simple and obvious XSS vulnerabilities in JSPs.Turns hardcoded seeds for PRNGs to be more random.Fixes issues reported under the id "java/maven/non-https-url".MigratesFileUtils
APIs toFiles
where possible.Migrates Spring code from using JobBuilderFactory to directly using JobBuilder.A codemod for moving the "default" case to last in switch statements.A codemod for automatically fixing output:w resource leaks detected by CodeQL's rule "java/output-resource-leak" whenever possible.A codemod for automatically fixing overridden methods that do not match their parent methods in synchronization.Transform calls toBufferedWriter(Writer)
that have anonymousFileWriter(File)
in their constructor arguments to use an NIO method instead.Turns hardcoded seeds for PRNGs to be more random.A codemod for removing commented-out lines of code.A codemod to remove redundant variable creationCodemod to remove unused local variables which expression is a variable or just a Literal expression like a single boolean, char, double, integer, long, null, string or a text block string.A codemod for removing unused private methods.Codemod to remove useless pair of parenthesesThis codemod replaces instances of org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient with HttpClientBuilder.create().useSystemProperties().build().A codemod for replacing 'Stream.collect(Collectors.toList())' with 'Stream.toList()'A codemod that wraps AutoCloseable objects whenever possible.Sanitizes multipart filename inputs from HTTP requests.Sanitizes multipart filename inputs from HTTP requests.TurnsRandom
.A codemod that removes any sensitive data being logged.A codemod to replace `@Controller` with `@RestController` and remove `@ResponseBody` annotationsSonar remediation codemod for S2658: Classes should not be loaded dynamically.This codemod will set the absolute timeout for Spring session cookies in if it's missing or too high.Parameterizes SQL statements in the JDBC API.Fixes issues reported under the id "java/stack-trace-exposure"A codemod for automatically replacing replaceAll() calls to replace() .A codemod for automatically switching the order of literals and variables in comparisons so they're guaranteed not to throwNullPointerException
when the variable is unexpectedly null.Moves strings toStandardCharsets
fields.Fixes issues reported under the id "missing-jwt-signature-check".Targets making sure the protocols set inSSLContext.getInstance(String)
are safe.Targets making sure the protocols set inSSLEngine.setEnabledProtocols(String[])
are safe.Targets making sure the protocols set inSSLParameters.setProtocols(String[])
are safe.Targets making sure the protocols set inSSLSocket.setEnabledProtocols(String[])
are safe.Upgrade theFile.createTempFile(String, String)
method to use the NIO versionFiles.createTempFile(String, String, FileAttribute[])
.A codemod that forces a zero-sized array to pass toCollection.toArray(Object[])
since that is preferable for performance.Makes sure that internal Jakarta forwards don't go to places they shouldn't (e.g., /WEB-INF/web.xml.)Removes all<http-method>
XML elements from files named web.xml.