Class MySqlDefaultValueConverter

  • @Immutable
    public class MySqlDefaultValueConverter
    extends Object
    This class is used by a DDL parser to convert the string default value to a Java type recognized by value converters for a subset of types. The functionality is kept separate from the main converters to centralize the formatting logic if necessary.
    Jiri Pechanec
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • MySqlDefaultValueConverter

        public MySqlDefaultValueConverter​(MySqlValueConverters converters)
    • Method Detail

      • convert

        public Object convert​(Column column,
                              String value)
        Converts a default value from the expected format to a logical object acceptable by the main JDBC converter.
        column - column definition
        value - string formatted default value
        value converted to a Java type
      • convertToLocalDate

        private Object convertToLocalDate​(Column column,
                                          String value)
        Converts a string object for an object type of LocalDate or LocalDateTime in case of MySql Date type. If the column definition allows null and default value is 0000-00-00, we need return null; else 0000-00-00 will be replaced with 1970-01-01;
        column - the column definition describing the data value; never null
        value - the string object to be converted into a LocalDate type or LocalDateTime in case of MySql Date type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToLocalDateTime

        private Object convertToLocalDateTime​(Column column,
                                              String value)
        Converts a string object for an object type of LocalDateTime. If the column definition allows null and default value is 0000-00-00 00:00:00, we need return null, else 0000-00-00 00:00:00 will be replaced with 1970-01-01 00:00:00;
        column - the column definition describing the data value; never null
        value - the string object to be converted into a LocalDateTime type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToTimestamp

        private Object convertToTimestamp​(Column column,
                                          String value)
        Converts a string object for an object type of Timestamp. If the column definition allows null and default value is 0000-00-00 00:00:00, we need return null, else 0000-00-00 00:00:00 will be replaced with 1970-01-01 00:00:00;
        column - the column definition describing the data value; never null
        value - the string object to be converted into a Timestamp type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToDuration

        private Object convertToDuration​(Column column,
                                         String value)
        Converts a string object for an object type of Duration.
        column - the column definition describing the data value; never null
        value - the string object to be converted into a Duration type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToDouble

        private Object convertToDouble​(String value)
        Converts a string object for an expected JDBC type of Types.DOUBLE.
        value - the string object to be converted into a Types.DOUBLE type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToDecimal

        private Object convertToDecimal​(Column column,
                                        String value)
        Converts a string object for an expected JDBC type of Types.DECIMAL.
        column - the column definition describing the data value; never null
        value - the string object to be converted into a Types.DECIMAL type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToBits

        private Object convertToBits​(Column column,
                                     String value)
        Converts a string object for an expected JDBC type of Types.BIT.
        column - the column definition describing the data value; never null
        value - the string object to be converted into a Types.BIT type;
        the converted value;
      • convertToBit

        private Object convertToBit​(String value)
      • convertToBits

        private Object convertToBits​(String value)
      • convertToBoolean

        private Object convertToBoolean​(String value)
        Converts a string object for an expected JDBC type of Types.BOOLEAN.
        value - the string object to be converted into a Types.BOOLEAN type;
        the converted value;
      • cleanTimestamp

        private String cleanTimestamp​(String s)
        Clean input timestamp to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff] format
        s - input timestamp
        cleaned timestamp
      • replaceFirstNonNumericSubstring

        private String replaceFirstNonNumericSubstring​(String s,
                                                       int startIndex,
                                                       char c)
        Replace the first non-numeric substring
        s - the original string
        startIndex - the beginning index, inclusive
        c - the new character