Class MySqlSchema

    • Field Detail

      • logger

        private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger
      • ignoredQueryStatements

        private final Set<String> ignoredQueryStatements
      • ddlParser

        private final DdlParser ddlParser
      • filters

        private final Filters filters
      • skipUnparseableDDL

        private final boolean skipUnparseableDDL
      • storeOnlyCapturedTablesDdl

        private final boolean storeOnlyCapturedTablesDdl
      • recoveredTables

        private boolean recoveredTables
    • Constructor Detail

      • MySqlSchema

        public MySqlSchema​(MySqlConnectorConfig configuration,
                           Predicate<String> gtidFilter,
                           boolean tableIdCaseInsensitive,
                           TopicSelector<TableId> topicSelector,
                           Filters tableFilters)
        Create a schema component given the supplied MySQL connector configuration.
        configuration - the connector configuration, which is presumed to be valid
        gtidFilter - the predicate function that should be applied to GTID sets in database history, and which returns true if a GTID source is to be included, or false if a GTID source is to be excluded; may be null if not needed
        tableIdCaseInsensitive - true if table lookup ignores letter case
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
        Start by acquiring resources needed to persist the database history
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Stop recording history and release any resources acquired since start().
      • capturedTablesAsStringArray

        public String[] capturedTablesAsStringArray()
        Get all table names for all databases that are monitored whose events are captured by Debezium
        the array with the table names
      • isTableCaptured

        public boolean isTableCaptured​(TableId id)
        Decide whether events should be captured for a given table
        id - the fully-qualified table identifier; may be null
        true if events from the table are captured
      • historyLocation

        public String historyLocation()
        Get the information about where the DDL statement history is recorded.
        the history description; never null
      • setSystemVariables

        public void setSystemVariables​(Map<String,​String> variables)
        Set the system variables on the DDL parser.
        variables - the system variables; may not be null but may be empty
      • systemVariables

        public SystemVariables systemVariables()
        Get the system variables as known by the DDL parser.
        the system variables; never null
      • appendDropTableStatement

        protected void appendDropTableStatement​(StringBuilder sb,
                                                TableId tableId)
      • appendCreateTableStatement

        protected void appendCreateTableStatement​(StringBuilder sb,
                                                  Table table)
      • loadHistory

        public void loadHistory​(SourceInfo startingPoint)
        Load the database schema information using the previously-recorded history, and stop reading the history when the the history reaches the supplied starting point.
        startingPoint - the source information with the current SourceInfo.partition() and offset at which the database schemas are to reflect; may not be null
      • historyExists

        public boolean historyExists()
        Return true if the database history entity exists
      • intializeHistoryStorage

        public void intializeHistoryStorage()
        Initialize permanent storage for database history
      • refreshSchemas

        public void refreshSchemas()
        Discard any currently-cached schemas and rebuild them using the filters.
      • applyDdl

        public boolean applyDdl​(SourceInfo source,
                                String databaseName,
                                String ddlStatements,
                                DdlChanges.DatabaseStatementStringConsumer statementConsumer)
        Apply the supplied DDL statements to this database schema and record the history. If a statementConsumer is supplied, then call it for each sub-sequence of the DDL statements that all apply to the same database.

        Typically DDL statements are applied using a connection to a single database, and unless the statements use fully-qualified names, the DDL statements apply to this database.

        source - the current SourceInfo.partition() and offset at which these changes are found; may not be null
        databaseName - the name of the default database under which these statements are applied; may not be null
        ddlStatements - the ;-separated DDL statements; may be null or empty
        statementConsumer - the consumer that should be called with each sub-sequence of DDL statements that apply to a single database; may be null if no action is to be performed with the changes
        true if changes were made to the database schema, or false if the DDL statements had no effect on the database schema
      • isGlobalSetVariableStatement

        public boolean isGlobalSetVariableStatement​(String ddl,
                                                    String databaseName)
      • isStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl

        public boolean isStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl()
        true if only captured tables should be stored in database history, false if all tables should be stored