Interface MySqlStreamingChangeEventSourceMetricsMXBean

All Superinterfaces:
ChangeEventSourceMetricsMXBean, CommonEventMetricsMXBean, ConnectionMetricsMXBean, QueueMetricsMXBean, SchemaMetricsMXBean, StreamingChangeEventSourceMetricsMXBean, StreamingMetricsMXBean
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MySqlStreamingChangeEventSourceMetricsMXBean extends StreamingChangeEventSourceMetricsMXBean
Randall Hauch
  • Method Details

    • getBinlogFilename

      String getBinlogFilename()
      Name of the current MySQL binlog file being read by underlying mysql-binlog-client.
    • getBinlogPosition

      long getBinlogPosition()
      Current MySQL binlog offset position being read by underlying mysql-binlog-client.
    • getGtidSet

      String getGtidSet()
      Current MySQL Gtid being read by underlying mysql-binlog-client.
    • getNumberOfSkippedEvents

      long getNumberOfSkippedEvents()
      Tracks the number of events skipped by underlying mysql-binlog-client, generally due to the client being unable to properly deserialize the event.
    • getNumberOfDisconnects

      long getNumberOfDisconnects()
      Tracks the number of times the underlying mysql-binlog-client has been disconnected from MySQL.
    • getNumberOfCommittedTransactions

      long getNumberOfCommittedTransactions()
      Tracks the number of committed transactions.
      Specified by:
      getNumberOfCommittedTransactions in interface StreamingMetricsMXBean
    • getNumberOfRolledBackTransactions

      long getNumberOfRolledBackTransactions()
      Tracks the number of rolled back transactions.
    • getNumberOfNotWellFormedTransactions

      long getNumberOfNotWellFormedTransactions()
      Tracks the number of transactions which are not well-formed. Example - The connector sees a commit TX event without a matched begin TX event.
    • getNumberOfLargeTransactions

      long getNumberOfLargeTransactions()
      Tracks the number of transaction which contains events that contained more entries than could be contained within the connectors instance.
    • getIsGtidModeEnabled

      boolean getIsGtidModeEnabled()
      Tracks if the connector is running using Gtids to track current offset.
      true if using Gtids, false if not.