Interface Table

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Table
    An immutable definition of a table.
    • Method Detail

      • editor

        static TableEditor editor()
        Obtain an table definition editor that can be used to define a table.
        the editor; never null
      • id

        TableId id()
        Get the identifier for this table.
        the identifier; never null
      • primaryKeyColumnNames

        List<String> primaryKeyColumnNames()
        The list of column names that make up the primary key for this table.
        the immutable list of column names that make up the primary key; never null but possibly empty
      • primaryKeyColumns

        default List<Column> primaryKeyColumns()
        Get the columns that make up the primary key for this table.
        the immutable list of columns that make up the primary key; never null but possibly empty
      • filterColumns

        default List<Column> filterColumns​(Predicate<Column> predicate)
        Utility to obtain a copy of a list of the columns that satisfy the specified predicate.
        predicate - the filter predicate; may not be null
        the list of columns that satisfy the predicate; never null but possibly empty
      • retrieveColumnNames

        List<String> retrieveColumnNames()
        The list of column names that make up this table.

        Note: If feasible, call columns() instead, e.g. if just interested in the number of columns.

        the immutable list of column names ; never null but possibly empty
      • columns

        List<Column> columns()
        Get the definitions for the columns in this table, in the same order in which the table defines them.
        the immutable and ordered list of definitions; never null
      • columnWithName

        Column columnWithName​(String name)
        Get the definition for the column in this table with the supplied name. The case of the supplied name does not matter.
        name - the case-insensitive name of the column
        the column definition, or null if there is no column with the given name
      • defaultCharsetName

        String defaultCharsetName()
        Get the database-specific name of the default character set used by columns in this table.
        the database-specific character set name used by default in columns of this table, or null if there is no such default character set name defined on the table
      • comment

        String comment()
        Get the comment of the table.
        the table comment; may be null if not set
      • isPrimaryKeyColumn

        default boolean isPrimaryKeyColumn​(String columnName)
        Determine if the named column is part of the primary key.
        columnName - the name of the column
        true if a column exists in this table and it is part of the primary key, or false otherwise
      • isAutoIncremented

        default boolean isAutoIncremented​(String columnName)
        Determine if the named column is auto-incremented.
        columnName - the name of the column
        true if a column exists in this table and it is auto-incremented, or false otherwise
      • isGenerated

        default boolean isGenerated​(String columnName)
        Determine if the values in the named column is generated by the database.
        columnName - the name of the column
        true if a column exists in this table and its values are generated, or false otherwise
      • isOptional

        default boolean isOptional​(String columnName)
        Determine if the values in the named column is optional.
        columnName - the name of the column
        true if a column exists in this table and is optional, or false otherwise
      • edit

        TableEditor edit()
        Obtain an editor that contains the same information as this table definition.
        the editor; never null