Class HashCode

  • @Immutable
    public class HashCode
    extends Object
    Utilities for easily computing hash codes. The algorithm should generally produce good distributions for use in hash-based containers or collections, but as expected does always result in repeatable hash codes given the inputs.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HashCode

        private HashCode()
    • Method Detail

      • compute

        public static int compute​(Object... objects)
        Compute a combined hash code from the supplied objects. This method always returns 0 if no objects are supplied.
        objects - the objects that should be used to compute the hash code
        the hash code
      • computeHashCode

        private static int computeHashCode​(int seed,
                                           Object... objects)
        Compute a combined hash code from the supplied objects using the supplied seed.
        seed - a value upon which the hash code will be based; may be 0
        objects - the objects that should be used to compute the hash code
        the hash code