Class Sequences

  • @Immutable
    public class Sequences
    extends Object
    Utility methods for obtaining streams of integers.
    Randall Hauch
    • Constructor Detail

      • Sequences

        public Sequences()
    • Method Detail

      • times

        public static IntStream times​(int number)
        Create a stream of number monotonically increasing numbers starting at 0, useful when performing an operation number times.
        number - the number of values to include in the stream; must be positive
        the sequence; never null
      • infiniteIntegers

        public static Iterable<Integer> infiniteIntegers()
        Create an iterator over an infinite number of monotonically increasing numbers starting at 0, useful when performing an operation an unknown number of times.
        the sequence; never null
      • infiniteIntegers

        public static Iterable<Integer> infiniteIntegers​(int startingAt)
        Create an iterator over an infinite number monotonically increasing numbers starting at the given number, useful when performing an operation an unknown number of times.
        startingAt - the first number to include in the resulting stream
        the sequence; never null
      • randomlySelect

        public static <T> Supplier<T> randomlySelect​(T first,
                                                     T... additional)
        Obtain a supplier function that randomly selects from the given values. If the supplied values contain nulls, then the resulting supplier function may return null values.
        first - the first value that may be randomly picked
        additional - the additional values to randomly pick from; may be null or empty
        the supplier function; never null
      • randomlySelect

        public static <T> Supplier<T> randomlySelect​(T... values)
        Obtain a supplier function that randomly selects from the given values. If the supplied values contain nulls, then the resulting supplier function may return null values.
        values - the values to randomly pick from; may not be null, should not be empty
        the supplier function; never null