Class TableEditorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

class TableEditorImpl extends Object implements TableEditor
  • Field Details

    • id

      private TableId id
    • sortedColumns

      private LinkedHashMap<String,Column> sortedColumns
    • pkColumnNames

      private final List<String> pkColumnNames
    • uniqueValues

      private boolean uniqueValues
    • defaultCharsetName

      private String defaultCharsetName
    • comment

      private String comment
  • Constructor Details

    • TableEditorImpl

      protected TableEditorImpl()
  • Method Details

    • tableId

      public TableId tableId()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Get the identifier for this table.
      Specified by:
      tableId in interface TableEditor
      the table identifier; may be null if not set
    • tableId

      public TableEditor tableId(TableId id)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set the table identifier.
      Specified by:
      tableId in interface TableEditor
      id - the table identifier
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • columns

      public List<Column> columns()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Get the definitions for the columns in this table. The resulting list should not be modified directly; instead, the column definitions should be defined with TableEditor.addColumns(Column...), TableEditor.addColumns(Iterable), TableEditor.setColumns(Column...), TableEditor.setColumns(Iterable), or TableEditor.removeColumn(String).
      Specified by:
      columns in interface TableEditor
      the ordered list of definitions; never null
    • columnWithName

      public Column columnWithName(String name)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Get the definition for the column in this table with the supplied name. The case of the supplied name does not matter.
      Specified by:
      columnWithName in interface TableEditor
      name - the case-insensitive name of the column
      the column definition, or null if there is no column with the given name
    • hasColumnWithName

      protected boolean hasColumnWithName(String name)
    • primaryKeyColumnNames

      public List<String> primaryKeyColumnNames()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      The list of column names that make up the primary key for this table. The resulting list should not be modified directly; instead, the set of primary key names should be defined with TableEditor.setPrimaryKeyNames(String...).
      Specified by:
      primaryKeyColumnNames in interface TableEditor
      the list of column names that make up the primary key; never null but possibly empty
    • addColumns

      public TableEditor addColumns(Column... columns)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Add one or more columns to this table, regardless of the position of the supplied columns. However, if an existing column definition matches a supplied column, the new column definition will replace the existing column definition.
      Specified by:
      addColumns in interface TableEditor
      columns - the definitions for the columns to be added
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • addColumns

      public TableEditor addColumns(Iterable<Column> columns)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Add one or more columns to the end of this table's list of columns, regardless of the position of the supplied columns. However, if an existing column definition matches a supplied column, the new column definition will replace the existing column definition.
      Specified by:
      addColumns in interface TableEditor
      columns - the definitions for the columns to be added
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • add

      protected void add(Column defn)
    • setColumns

      public TableEditor setColumns(Column... columns)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set this table's column definitions. The table's primary key columns may be removed as a result of this method if they refer to columns that are not in the supplied list of column definitions.
      Specified by:
      setColumns in interface TableEditor
      columns - the definitions for the columns to be added
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • setColumns

      public TableEditor setColumns(Iterable<Column> columns)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set this table's column definitions. The table's primary key columns may be removed as a result of this method if they refer to columns that are not in the supplied list of column definitions.
      Specified by:
      setColumns in interface TableEditor
      columns - the definitions for the columns to be added
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • updatePrimaryKeys

      protected void updatePrimaryKeys()
    • setPrimaryKeyNames

      public TableEditor setPrimaryKeyNames(String... pkColumnNames)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set the columns that make up this table's primary key.
      Specified by:
      setPrimaryKeyNames in interface TableEditor
      pkColumnNames - the names of this tables columns that make up the primary key
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • setPrimaryKeyNames

      public TableEditor setPrimaryKeyNames(List<String> pkColumnNames)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set the columns that make up this table's primary key.
      Specified by:
      setPrimaryKeyNames in interface TableEditor
      pkColumnNames - the names of this tables columns that make up the primary key
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • setUniqueValues

      public TableEditor setUniqueValues()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Sets this table's primary key to contain all columns, ensuring that all values are unique within the table. This is analogous to calling setPrimaryKeyNames(columnNames()) except that the primary key is updated when columns are added or removed.
      Specified by:
      setUniqueValues in interface TableEditor
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • hasUniqueValues

      public boolean hasUniqueValues()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Determine whether this table's primary key contains all columns (via TableEditor.setUniqueValues()) such that all rows within the table are unique.
      Specified by:
      hasUniqueValues in interface TableEditor
      true if TableEditor.setUniqueValues() was last called on this table, or false otherwise
    • setDefaultCharsetName

      public TableEditor setDefaultCharsetName(String charsetName)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set the name of the character set that should be used by default in the columns that require a character set but have not defined one.
      Specified by:
      setDefaultCharsetName in interface TableEditor
      charsetName - the name of the character set that should be used by default
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • setComment

      public TableEditor setComment(String comment)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Set the comment of the table
      Specified by:
      setComment in interface TableEditor
      comment - table comment
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • hasDefaultCharsetName

      public boolean hasDefaultCharsetName()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Determine if a default character set has been set on this table.
      Specified by:
      hasDefaultCharsetName in interface TableEditor
      true if this has a default character set, or false if one has not yet been set
    • hasComment

      public boolean hasComment()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Determine if a comment has been set on this table.
      Specified by:
      hasComment in interface TableEditor
      true if this has a comment, or false if one has not yet been set
    • removeColumn

      public TableEditor removeColumn(String columnName)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Remove the column with the given name. This method does nothing if no such column exists.
      Specified by:
      removeColumn in interface TableEditor
      columnName - the name of the column to be removed
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • updateColumn

      public TableEditor updateColumn(Column newColumn)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Update the column with the given name. The existing column definition with the name as the column provided is replaced with the new one.
      Specified by:
      updateColumn in interface TableEditor
      newColumn - the new column definition
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • reorderColumn

      public TableEditor reorderColumn(String columnName, String afterColumnName)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Reorder the column with the given name to be positioned after the designated column. If afterColumnName is null, the column will be moved to the first column.
      Specified by:
      reorderColumn in interface TableEditor
      columnName - the name of the column to be removed
      afterColumnName - the name of the column after which the moved column is to be positioned; may be null if the column is to be moved to the first column
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • renameColumn

      public TableEditor renameColumn(String existingName, String newName)
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Rename the column with the given name to the new specified name.
      Specified by:
      renameColumn in interface TableEditor
      existingName - the existing name of the column to be renamed; may not be null
      newName - the new name of the column; may not be null
      this editor so callers can chain methods together
    • updatePositions

      protected void updatePositions()
    • positionsAreValid

      protected boolean positionsAreValid()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • create

      public Table create()
      Description copied from interface: TableEditor
      Obtain an immutable table definition representing the current state of this editor. This editor can be reused after this method, since the resulting table definition no longer refers to any of the data used in this editor.
      Specified by:
      create in interface TableEditor
      the immutable table definition; never null