Interface DatabaseHistory

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDatabaseHistory, FileDatabaseHistory, KafkaDatabaseHistory, MemoryDatabaseHistory

public interface DatabaseHistory
A history of the database schema described by a Tables. Changes to the database schema can be recorded, and a database schema can be recovered to various points in that history.
Randall Hauch
  • Field Details


      See Also:
    • NAME

      static final Field NAME


      static final Field STORE_ONLY_CAPTURED_TABLES_DDL

      static final Field DDL_FILTER
  • Method Details

    • configure

      void configure(Configuration config, HistoryRecordComparator comparator, DatabaseHistoryListener listener, boolean useCatalogBeforeSchema)
      Configure this instance.
      config - the configuration for this history store
      comparator - the function that should be used to compare history records during recovery; may be null if the default comparator is to be used
      listener - TODO
      useCatalogBeforeSchema - true if the parsed string for a table contains only 2 items and the first should be used as the catalog and the second as the table name, or false if the first should be used as the schema and the second as the table name
    • start

      void start()
      Start the history.
    • record

      void record(Map<String,?> source, Map<String,?> position, String databaseName, String ddl) throws DatabaseHistoryException
      Record a change to the schema of the named database, and store it in the schema storage.
      source - the information about the source database; may not be null
      position - the point in history where these DDL changes were made, which may be used when recovering the schema to some point in history; may not be null
      databaseName - the name of the database whose schema is being changed; may be null
      ddl - the DDL statements that describe the changes to the database schema; may not be null
      DatabaseHistoryException - if the record could not be written
    • record

      void record(Map<String,?> source, Map<String,?> position, String databaseName, String schemaName, String ddl, TableChanges changes, Instant timestamp) throws DatabaseHistoryException
    • recover

      @Deprecated default void recover(Map<String,?> source, Map<String,?> position, Tables schema, DdlParser ddlParser)
    • recover

      default void recover(Offsets<?,?> offsets, Tables schema, DdlParser ddlParser)
      Recover the database schema to a known point in its history. Note that it is possible to recover the database schema to a point in history that is earlier than what has been recorded. Likewise, when recovering to a point in history later than what was recorded, the database schema will reflect the latest state known to the history.
      offsets - the map of information about the source database to corresponding point in history at which database schema should be recovered; should contain at least one non-null offset which is enforced in HistorizedRelationalDatabaseSchema.recover(Offsets)
      schema - the table definitions that should be changed to reflect the database schema at the desired point in history; may not be null
      ddlParser - the DDL parser that can be used to apply DDL statements to the given schema; may not be null
    • recover

      @Deprecated void recover(Map<Map<String,?>,Map<String,?>> offsets, Tables schema, DdlParser ddlParser)
    • stop

      void stop()
      Stop recording history and release any resources acquired since configure(Configuration, HistoryRecordComparator, DatabaseHistoryListener, boolean).
    • exists

      boolean exists()
      Determines if the database history entity exists; i.e. the storage must have been initialized and the history must have been populated.
    • storageExists

      boolean storageExists()
      Determines if the underlying storage exists (e.g. a Kafka topic, file or similar). Note: storage may exist while history entities not yet written, see exists()
    • initializeStorage

      void initializeStorage()
      Called to initialize permanent storage of the history.
    • storeOnlyCapturedTables

      boolean storeOnlyCapturedTables()
    • skipUnparseableDdlStatements

      boolean skipUnparseableDdlStatements()