Interface Stopwatch.StopwatchSet

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@ThreadSafe public static interface Stopwatch.StopwatchSet extends Stopwatch.Durations
A set of stopwatches whose durations are combined. New stopwatches can be created at any time, and when Stopwatch.stop() will always record their duration with this set.

This set is threadsafe, meaning that multiple threads can create() new stopwatches concurrently, and each stopwatch's duration is measured separately. Additionally, all of the other methods of this interface are also threadsafe.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Block until all running stopwatches have been stopped.
    await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
    Block until all stopwatches that have been created and started are stopped.
    Create a new stopwatch that records durations with this set.
    default void
    time(int repeat, Runnable runnable)
    Time the given function multiple times.
    default <T> void
    time(int repeat, Callable<T> runnable, Consumer<T> cleanup)
    Time the given function multiple times.
    default void
    time(Runnable runnable)
    Time the given function.
    default <T> T
    time(Callable<T> runnable)
    Time the given function.

    Methods inherited from interface io.debezium.util.Stopwatch.Durations

  • Method Details

    • create

      Stopwatch create()
      Create a new stopwatch that records durations with this set.
      the new stopwatch; never null
    • time

      default void time(Runnable runnable)
      Time the given function.
      runnable - the function to call
    • time

      default <T> T time(Callable<T> runnable)
      Time the given function.
      runnable - the function that is to be executed; may not be null
      the result of the operation
    • time

      default void time(int repeat, Runnable runnable)
      Time the given function multiple times.
      repeat - the number of times to repeat the function call; must be positive
      runnable - the function to call; may not be null
    • time

      default <T> void time(int repeat, Callable<T> runnable, Consumer<T> cleanup) throws Exception
      Time the given function multiple times.
      repeat - the number of times to repeat the function call; must be positive
      runnable - the function that is to be executed a number of times; may not be null
      cleanup - the function that is to be called after each time call to the runnable function, and not included in the time measurements; may be null
      Exception - the exception thrown by the runnable function
    • await

      void await() throws InterruptedException
      Block until all running stopwatches have been stopped. This means that if a stopwatch is created but never started, this method will not wait for it. Likewise, if a stopwatch is created and started, then this method will block until the stopwatch is stopped (even if the same stopwatch is started multiple times). are stopped.
      InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted before unblocking
    • await

      void await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
      Block until all stopwatches that have been created and started are stopped.
      timeout - the maximum length of time that this method should block
      unit - the unit for the timeout; may not be null
      InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted before unblocking