Interface HistorizedDatabaseSchema<I extends DataCollectionId>

Type Parameters:
I - The collection id type of this schema
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, DatabaseSchema<I>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HistorizedDatabaseSchema<I extends DataCollectionId> extends DatabaseSchema<I>
A database schema that is historized, i.e. it undergoes schema changes and can be recovered from a persistent schema history.
Gunnar Morling
  • Method Details

    • applySchemaChange

      void applySchemaChange(SchemaChangeEvent schemaChange)
    • recover

      default void recover(Partition partition, OffsetContext offset)
    • recover

      void recover(Offsets<?,?> offsets)
    • initializeStorage

      void initializeStorage()
    • storeOnlyCapturedTables

      default boolean storeOnlyCapturedTables()
    • skipUnparseableDdlStatements

      default boolean skipUnparseableDdlStatements()
    • ddlFilter

      Predicate<String> ddlFilter()