Interface TokenStream.Tokens

All Known Implementing Classes:
TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveTokenFactory, TokenStream.CaseSensitiveTokenFactory, TokenStream.TokenFactory
Enclosing class:

public static interface TokenStream.Tokens
A factory for Token objects, used by a TokenStream.Tokenizer to create tokens in the correct order.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    addToken(Position position, int index)
    Create a single-character token at the supplied index in the character stream.
    default void
    addToken(Position position, int startIndex, int endIndex)
    Create a single- or multi-character token with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
    addToken(Position position, int startIndex, int endIndex, int type)
    Create a single- or multi-character token with the supplied type and with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
  • Method Details

    • addToken

      default void addToken(Position position, int index)
      Create a single-character token at the supplied index in the character stream. The token type is set to 0, meaning this is equivalent to calling addToken(index,index+1) or addToken(index,index+1,0).
      position - the position (line and column numbers) of this new token; may not be null
      index - the index of the character to appear in the token; must be a valid index in the stream
    • addToken

      default void addToken(Position position, int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Create a single- or multi-character token with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream. The character at the ending index is not included in the token (as this is standard practice when using 0-based indexes). The token type is set to 0, meaning this is equivalent to calling addToken(startIndex,endIndex,0) .
      position - the position (line and column numbers) of this new token; may not be null
      startIndex - the index of the first character to appear in the token; must be a valid index in the stream
      endIndex - the index just past the last character to appear in the token; must be a valid index in the stream
    • addToken

      void addToken(Position position, int startIndex, int endIndex, int type)
      Create a single- or multi-character token with the supplied type and with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream. The character at the ending index is not included in the token (as this is standard practice when using 0-based indexes).
      position - the position (line and column numbers) of this new token; may not be null
      startIndex - the index of the first character to appear in the token; must be a valid index in the stream
      endIndex - the index just past the last character to appear in the token; must be a valid index in the stream
      type - the type of the token