Class Sequences


@Immutable public class Sequences extends Object
Utility methods for obtaining streams of integers.
Randall Hauch
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Create an iterator over an infinite number of monotonically increasing numbers starting at 0, useful when performing an operation an unknown number of times.
    infiniteIntegers(int startingAt)
    Create an iterator over an infinite number monotonically increasing numbers starting at the given number, useful when performing an operation an unknown number of times.
    static <T> Supplier<T>
    randomlySelect(T... values)
    Obtain a supplier function that randomly selects from the given values.
    static <T> Supplier<T>
    randomlySelect(T first, T... additional)
    Obtain a supplier function that randomly selects from the given values.
    static IntStream
    times(int number)
    Create a stream of number monotonically increasing numbers starting at 0, useful when performing an operation number times.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Sequences

      public Sequences()
  • Method Details

    • times

      public static IntStream times(int number)
      Create a stream of number monotonically increasing numbers starting at 0, useful when performing an operation number times.
      number - the number of values to include in the stream; must be positive
      the sequence; never null
    • infiniteIntegers

      public static Iterable<Integer> infiniteIntegers()
      Create an iterator over an infinite number of monotonically increasing numbers starting at 0, useful when performing an operation an unknown number of times.
      the sequence; never null
    • infiniteIntegers

      public static Iterable<Integer> infiniteIntegers(int startingAt)
      Create an iterator over an infinite number monotonically increasing numbers starting at the given number, useful when performing an operation an unknown number of times.
      startingAt - the first number to include in the resulting stream
      the sequence; never null
    • randomlySelect

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Supplier<T> randomlySelect(T first, T... additional)
      Obtain a supplier function that randomly selects from the given values. If the supplied values contain nulls, then the resulting supplier function may return null values.
      first - the first value that may be randomly picked
      additional - the additional values to randomly pick from; may be null or empty
      the supplier function; never null
    • randomlySelect

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Supplier<T> randomlySelect(T... values)
      Obtain a supplier function that randomly selects from the given values. If the supplied values contain nulls, then the resulting supplier function may return null values.
      values - the values to randomly pick from; may not be null, should not be empty
      the supplier function; never null