
  • Class
    A set of bits of arbitrary length.
    A semantic type for an enumeration, where the string values are one of the enumeration's values.
    A semantic type for a set of enumerated values, where the string values contain comma-separated values from an enumeration.
    An immutable descriptor for the structure of Debezium message envelopes.
    A builder of an envelope schema.
    The constants for the names of the fields in the message envelope.
    The constants for the values for the operation field in the message envelope.
    A semantic type for a JSON string.
    Utilities for obtaining JSON string representations of Schema, Struct, and Field objects.
    Extension of plain a BigDecimal type that adds support for new features like special values handling - NaN, infinity;
    Special values for floating-point and numeric types
    A semantic type for a Uuid string.
    Provides the access to the original encapsulated value obtained for example from JDBC.
    An arbitrary precision decimal value with variable scale.
    A semantic type for an XML string.