Class SnapshottingTask


public class SnapshottingTask extends Object
A configuration describing the task to be performed during snapshotting.
  • Field Details

    • snapshotSchema

      private final boolean snapshotSchema
    • snapshotData

      private final boolean snapshotData
    • dataCollections

      private final List<String> dataCollections
    • filterQueries

      private final Map<String,String> filterQueries
    • onDemand

      private final boolean onDemand
  • Constructor Details

    • SnapshottingTask

      public SnapshottingTask(boolean snapshotSchema, boolean snapshotData, List<String> dataCollections, Map<String,String> filterQueries, boolean onDemand)
  • Method Details

    • snapshotData

      public boolean snapshotData()
      Whether data (rows in captured tables) should be snapshotted.
    • snapshotSchema

      public boolean snapshotSchema()
      Whether the schema of captured tables should be snapshotted.
    • getDataCollections

      public List<String> getDataCollections()
      List of regular expression defining the data collection to snapshot
    • getFilterQueries

      public Map<String,String> getFilterQueries()
      Map of query statement overrides by data collection
    • shouldSkipSnapshot

      public boolean shouldSkipSnapshot()
      Whether to skip the snapshot phase. By default, this method will skip performing a snapshot if both snapshotSchema() and snapshotData() return false.
    • isOnDemand

      public boolean isOnDemand()
      Determine if the task is an onDemand snapshot or not
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object