Class MetricsFeature

    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricsFeature

        public MetricsFeature​(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry)
      • MetricsFeature

        public MetricsFeature​(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry,
                              com.codahale.metrics.Clock clock)
      • MetricsFeature

        public MetricsFeature​(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry,
                              com.codahale.metrics.Clock clock,
                              boolean trackFilters)
      • MetricsFeature

        public MetricsFeature​(String registryName)
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public boolean configure​( context)
        A call-back method called when the feature is to be enabled in a given runtime configuration scope.

        The responsibility of the feature is to properly update the supplied runtime configuration context and return true if the feature was successfully enabled or false otherwise.

        Note that under some circumstances the feature may decide not to enable itself, which is indicated by returning false. In such case the configuration context does not add the feature to the collection of enabled features and a subsequent call to Configuration.isEnabled( or Configuration.isEnabled(Class) method would return false.

        Specified by:
        configure in interface
        context - configurable context in which the feature should be enabled.
        true if the feature was successfully enabled, false otherwise.