Class ChainedAuthFilter<C,​P extends Principal>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - the type of Credentials to be authenticated
    P - the type of the Principal
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChainedAuthFilter<C,​P extends Principal>
    extends AuthFilter<C,​P>
    Chains together authFilters, short circuits when the first filter successfully authenticates N.B. AuthFilters can be chained together as long as they produce the same type of Principal. This is not enforced by the type system at compile time, using inconsistent principals will lead to runtime errors There is no requirement for the filters that are chained to use the same type for credentials. The reason is that the ChainedFilter delegates to a filter which encapsulates the authenticator and credential type
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChainedAuthFilter

        public ChainedAuthFilter​(List<AuthFilter> handlers)
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        public void filter​( containerRequestContext)
                    throws IOException