Interface PooledDataSourceFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PooledDataSourceFactory
    Interface of a factory that produces JDBC data sources backed by the connection pool.
    • Method Detail

      • isAutoCommentsEnabled

        boolean isAutoCommentsEnabled()
        Whether ORM tools allowed to add comments to SQL queries.
        true, if allowed
      • getProperties

        Map<String,​String> getProperties()
        Returns the configuration properties for ORM tools.
        configuration properties as a map
      • getValidationQueryTimeout

        Optional<Duration> getValidationQueryTimeout()
        Returns the timeout for awaiting a response from the database during connection health checks.
        the timeout as Duration
      • getValidationQuery

        Optional<String> getValidationQuery()
        Returns the SQL query, which is being used for the database connection health check.
        the SQL query as a string
      • getDriverClass

        @Nullable String getDriverClass()
        Returns the Java class of the database driver.
        the JDBC driver class as a string
      • getUrl

        String getUrl()
        Returns the JDBC connection URL.
        the JDBC connection URL as a string
      • asSingleConnectionPool

        void asSingleConnectionPool()
        Configures the pool as a single connection pool. It's useful for tools that use only one database connection, such as database migrations.
      • build

        ManagedDataSource build​(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
                                String name)
        Builds a new JDBC data source backed by the connection pool and managed by Dropwizard.
        metricRegistry - the application metric registry
        name - name of the connection pool
        a new JDBC data source as ManagedDataSource