Class NonEmptyStringParam

  • public class NonEmptyStringParam
    extends AbstractParam<Optional<String>>
    A parameter encapsulating optional string values with the condition that empty string inputs are interpreted as being absent. This class is useful when it is desired for empty parameters to be synonymous with absent parameters instead of empty parameters evaluating to Optional.of("").
    • Constructor Detail

      • NonEmptyStringParam

        public NonEmptyStringParam​(@Nullable String input)
      • NonEmptyStringParam

        public NonEmptyStringParam​(@Nullable String input,
                                   String parameterName)
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        protected Optional<String> parse​(@Nullable String input)
        Description copied from class: AbstractParam
        Given a string representation, parse it and return an instance of the parameter type.
        Specified by:
        parse in class AbstractParam<Optional<String>>
        input - the raw input
        input, parsed as an instance of T