Class ServletHealthResponderFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServletHealthResponderFactory

        public ServletHealthResponderFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • isCacheControlEnabled

        public boolean isCacheControlEnabled()
      • setCacheControlEnabled

        public void setCacheControlEnabled​(boolean cacheControlEnabled)
      • getCacheControlValue

        public String getCacheControlValue()
      • setCacheControlValue

        public void setCacheControlValue​(String cacheControlValue)
      • configure

        public void configure​(String name,
                              Collection<String> healthCheckUrlPaths,
                              HealthResponseProvider healthResponseProvider,
                              HealthEnvironment health,
                              JerseyEnvironment jersey,
                              ServletEnvironment servlets,
                              com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper mapper)
        Description copied from interface: HealthResponderFactory
        Configures a health responder for responding to health check requests (e.g. from load balancer).
        Specified by:
        configure in interface HealthResponderFactory
        name - The name of the application.
        healthCheckUrlPaths - The paths to expose a health check on.
        healthResponseProvider - A provider of responses to respond to requests with.
        health - The health environment.
        jersey - The Jersey environment.
        servlets - The servlet environment.
        mapper - A Jackson object mapper to allow writing JSON responses (if needed).