Class SimpleServerFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ServerFactory, Discoverable

    public class SimpleServerFactory
    extends AbstractServerFactory
    A single-connector implementation of ServerFactory, suitable for PaaS deployments (e.g., Heroku) where applications are limited to a single, runtime-defined port. A startup script can override the port via -Ddw.server.connector.port=$PORT.

    Configuration Parameters:

    Name Default Description
    connector An HTTP connector listening on port 8080. The connector which will handle both application and admin requests.
    applicationContextPath /application The context path of the application servlets, including Jersey.
    adminContextPath /admin The context path of the admin servlets, including metrics and tasks.

    For more configuration parameters, see AbstractServerFactory.

    See Also:
    ServerFactory, AbstractServerFactory
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleServerFactory

        public SimpleServerFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getApplicationContextPath

        public String getApplicationContextPath()
      • setApplicationContextPath

        public void setApplicationContextPath​(String contextPath)
      • getAdminContextPath

        public String getAdminContextPath()
      • setAdminContextPath

        public void setAdminContextPath​(String contextPath)
      • build

        public org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server build​(Environment environment)
        Description copied from interface: ServerFactory
        Build a server for the given Dropwizard application.
        environment - the application's environment
        a Server running the Dropwizard application
      • configure

        public void configure​(Environment environment)
        Description copied from interface: ServerFactory
        Configures the given environment with settings defined in the factory.
        environment - the application's environment