Class Enums

  • public class Enums
    extends Object
    Helper methods for enum types.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Enums

        public Enums()
    • Method Detail

      • fromStringFuzzy

        public static @Nullable Enum<?> fromStringFuzzy​(String value,
                                                        Enum<?>[] constants)
        Convert a string to an enum with more permissive rules than Enum valueOf().
        This method is more permissive in the following ways:
        • Whitespace is permitted but stripped from the input.
        • Dashes and periods in the value are converted to underscores.
        • Matching against the enum values is case insensitive.
        value - The string to convert.
        constants - The list of constants for the Enum to which you wish to convert.
        The enum or null, if no enum constant matched the input value.