Class AbstractParamConverterProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AbstractParamConverterProvider
    extends Object
    Provides converters to Jersey for Dropwizard's *Param classes.

    When a param class is used as a resource parameter this converter will instantiate the parameter class with the value provided and the name of the parameter, so if value parsing fails the parameter name can be used in the error message. If the param class does not have a two-string constructor this provider will return null, causing jersey to use the single-string constructor for the parameter type as it normally would.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractParamConverterProvider

        public AbstractParamConverterProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getConverter

        public <T> @Nullable<T> getConverter​(Class<T> rawType,
                                                                              Type genericType,
                                                                              Annotation[] annotations)
        Specified by:
        getConverter in interface