Class GarbageCollectionTask

  • public class GarbageCollectionTask
    extends Task
    Performs a full JVM garbage collection (probably).
    • Constructor Detail

      • GarbageCollectionTask

        public GarbageCollectionTask()
        Creates a new GarbageCollectionTask.
      • GarbageCollectionTask

        public GarbageCollectionTask​(Runtime runtime)
        Creates a new GarbageCollectionTask with the given Runtime instance.

        Use GarbageCollectionTask() instead.

        runtime - a Runtime instance
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute​(Map<String,​List<String>> parameters,
                            PrintWriter output)
        Description copied from class: Task
        Executes the task.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Task
        parameters - the query string parameters
        output - a PrintWriter wrapping the output stream of the task