All Classes and Interfaces

An override for a field in dropwizard configuration intended for use with DropwizardAppExtension.
Override port configuration setting for application and admin connectors and choose a random port.
An extension for testing DAOs and Hibernate entities.
An extension for starting and stopping your application at the start and end of a test class.
Test your HTTP client code by writing a JAX-RS test double class and let this extension start and stop a Dropwizard application containing your doubles.
DropwizardExtensionsSupport class uses this interface to find fields fields in test class instance and test class
An JUnit 5 extension that looks for fields in test class and test class instances and executes before and after actions.
A test support class for starting and stopping your application at the start and end of a test class.
A Resource builder which enables configuration of a Jersey testing environment.
An extension for testing Jersey resources.
A ResourceExtension builder which enables configuration of a Jersey testing environment.
A set of helper methods for working with classpath resources.