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awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService


bytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of bytes.
BYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Bytes (8 bits).


compareTo(DataSize) - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
compareTo(Duration) - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
convert(long, DataSizeUnit) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts a size of the given unit into the current unit.


DataSize - Class in io.dropwizard.util
A data size with SI or IEC prefix, such as "128KB" or "5 Gibibytes".
DataSizeUnit - Enum in io.dropwizard.util
A unit of information using SI and IEC prefixes.
days(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of days.
DirectExecutorService - Class in io.dropwizard.util
An implementation of an ExecutorService which directly executes a task, if the service has not shut down already.
DirectExecutorService() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService
Duration - Class in io.dropwizard.util
This class provides helper methods for parsing human-readable duration values.


Enums - Class in io.dropwizard.util
Helper methods for enum types.
Enums() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.util.Enums
equals(Object) - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
equals(Object) - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
execute(Runnable) - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService


findThrowableInChain(Predicate<Throwable>, Throwable) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Throwables
Search an exception chain for an exception matching a given condition.
fromStringFuzzy(String, Enum<?>[]) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Enums
Convert a string to an enum with more permissive rules than Enum valueOf().


Generics - Class in io.dropwizard.util
Helper methods for class type parameters.
getQuantity() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Gets the quantity of the current DataSize object.
getQuantity() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Gets the quantity of the current Duration object.
getResource(String) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Resources
Returns a URL pointing to resourceName if the resource is found using the context class loader.
getTypeParameter(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Generics
Finds the type parameter for the given class.
getTypeParameter(Class<?>, Class<? super T>) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Generics
Finds the type parameter for the given class which is assignable to the bound class.
getUnit() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the data size unit of the current DataSize object.
getUnit() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the time unit of the current Duration object.
getVersion() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.JarLocation
Returns the version of the current jar holding the provided klass.
gibibytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of gibibytes.
GIBIBYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Gibibytes (1024 mebibytes).
gigabytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of gigabytes.
GIGABYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Gigabytes (1000 megabytes).


hashCode() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
hashCode() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
hours(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of hours.


io.dropwizard.util - package io.dropwizard.util
isShutdown() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService
isTerminated() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService


JarLocation - Class in io.dropwizard.util
A class which encapsulates the location on the local filesystem of the JAR in which the current code is executing.
JarLocation(Class<?>) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.util.JarLocation
Constructs a new JarLocation object which gets access to the code source with the provided parameter.


kibibytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of kibibytes.
KIBIBYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Kibibytes (1024 bytes).
kilobytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of kilobytes.
KILOBYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Kilobytes (1000 bytes).


mebibytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of mebibytes.
MEBIBYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Mebibytes (1024 kibibytes).
megabytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of megabytes.
MEGABYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Megabytes (1000 kilobytes).
microseconds(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of microseconds.
milliseconds(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of milliseconds.
minutes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of minutes.


nanoseconds(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of nanoseconds.


parse(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Parses a given CharSequence to a DataSize object.
parse(CharSequence, DataSizeUnit) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Parses a given CharSequence to a DataSize object.
parse(String) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Parses a given input string to a Duration.
pebibytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of pebibytes.
PEBIBYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Pebibytes (1024 tebibytes).
petabytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of petabytes.
PETABYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Petabytes (1000 terabytes).


Resources - Class in io.dropwizard.util
Provides helper methods to work with resources.


seconds(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a new Duration object representing the specified amount of seconds.
shutdown() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService
shutdownNow() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DirectExecutorService


tebibytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of tebibytes.
TEBIBYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Tebibytes (1024 gibibytes).
terabytes(long) - Static method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Constructs a new DataSize object representing the specified amount of terabytes.
TERABYTES - io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Terabytes (1000 gigabytes).
Throwables - Class in io.dropwizard.util
Provides helper methods to work with Throwable objects.
toBytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in bytes.
toBytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into bytes.
toDays() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in days.
toGibibytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in gibibytes.
toGibibytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into gibibytes.
toGigabytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in gigabytes.
toGigabytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into gigabytes.
toHours() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in hours.
toJavaDuration() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Constructs a java.time.Duration from the current Duration object.
toKibibytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in kibibytes.
toKibibytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into kibibytes.
toKilobytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in kilobytes.
toKilobytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into kilobytes.
toMebibytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in mebibytes.
toMebibytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into mebibytes.
toMegabytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in megabytes.
toMegabytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into megabytes.
toMicroseconds() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in microseconds.
toMilliseconds() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in milliseconds.
toMinutes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in minutes.
toNanoseconds() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in nanoseconds.
toPebibytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in pebibytes.
toPebibytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into pebibytes.
toPetabytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in petabytes.
toPetabytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into petabytes.
toSeconds() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
Returns the quantity of the current Duration object in seconds.
toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.Duration
toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.JarLocation
toTebibytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in gebibytes.
toTebibytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into tebibytes.
toTerabytes() - Method in class io.dropwizard.util.DataSize
Returns the quantity of the current DataSize object in terabytes.
toTerabytes(long) - Method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Converts the given number of the current units into terabytes.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.dropwizard.util.DataSizeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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