Package io.ebean

Interface BeanState

  • public interface BeanState
    Provides access to the internal state of an entity bean.
    • Method Detail

      • isReference

        boolean isReference()
        Return true if this is a lazy loading reference bean.

        If so the this bean only holds the Id property and will invoke lazy loading if any other property is get or set.

      • isNew

        boolean isNew()
        Return true if the bean is new (and not yet saved).
      • isNewOrDirty

        boolean isNewOrDirty()
        Return true if the bean is new or dirty (and probably needs to be saved).
      • isDirty

        boolean isDirty()
        Return true if the bean has been changed but not yet saved.
      • setDisableLazyLoad

        void setDisableLazyLoad​(boolean disableLazyLoading)
        This can be called with true to disable lazy loading on the bean.
      • isDisableLazyLoad

        boolean isDisableLazyLoad()
        Return true if the bean has lazy loading disabled.
      • setPropertyLoaded

        void setPropertyLoaded​(String propertyName,
                               boolean loaded)
        Set the loaded state of the property given it's name.

        Typically this would be used to set the loaded state of a property to false to ensure that the specific property is excluded from a stateless update.

           // populate a bean via say JSON
           User user = ...;
           // set loaded state on the email property to false so that
           // the email property is not included in a stateless update
           DB.beanState(user).setPropertyLoaded("email", false);

        This will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the property is unknown.

      • loadedProps

        For partially populated beans returns the properties that are loaded on the bean.

        Accessing another property will cause lazy loading to occur.

      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        Return true if the bean is readOnly.

        If a setter is called on a readOnly bean it will throw an exception.

      • setReadOnly

        void setReadOnly​(boolean readOnly)
        Set the readOnly status for the bean.
      • setLoaded

        void setLoaded()
        Advanced - Used to programmatically build a partially or fully loaded entity bean. First create an entity bean via Database.createEntityBean(Class), then populate its properties and then call this method specifying which properties where loaded or null for a fully loaded entity bean.
      • resetForInsert

        void resetForInsert()
        Reset the bean putting it into NEW state such that a save() results in an insert.
      • sortOrder

        int sortOrder()
        Return the sort order value for an order column.