Package io.ebean.meta

Class QueryPlanInit

  • public class QueryPlanInit
    extends Object
    Initiate query plan collection for plans by their hash or all query plans.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Set<String> hashes()
      Return the specific hashes that we want to collect query plans on.
      void hashes​(Set<String> hashes)
      Set the specific hashes that we want to collect query plans on.
      boolean includeHash​(String hash)
      Return true if the query plan should be initiated based on it's hash.
      boolean isAll()
      Return true if this initiates bind collection on all query plans.
      void setAll​(boolean all)
      Set to true to initiate bind collection on all query plans.
      long thresholdMicros()
      Return the query execution time threshold which must be exceeded to initiate query plan collection.
      void thresholdMicros​(long thresholdMicros)
      Set the query execution time threshold which must be exceeded to initiate query plan collection.
    • Method Detail

      • isAll

        public boolean isAll()
        Return true if this initiates bind collection on all query plans.
      • setAll

        public void setAll​(boolean all)
        Set to true to initiate bind collection on all query plans.
      • thresholdMicros

        public long thresholdMicros()
        Return the query execution time threshold which must be exceeded to initiate query plan collection.
      • thresholdMicros

        public void thresholdMicros​(long thresholdMicros)
        Set the query execution time threshold which must be exceeded to initiate query plan collection.
      • includeHash

        public boolean includeHash​(String hash)
        Return true if the query plan should be initiated based on it's hash.
      • hashes

        public Set<Stringhashes()
        Return the specific hashes that we want to collect query plans on.
      • hashes

        public void hashes​(Set<String> hashes)
        Set the specific hashes that we want to collect query plans on.