Package io.ebean.bean

Interface MutableValueInfo

  • public interface MutableValueInfo
    Holds information on mutable values (like plain beans stored as json).

    Used internally in EntityBeanIntercept for dirty detection on mutable values. Typically, mutation detection is based on a hash/checksum of json content or the original json content itself.

    Refer to the mapping options @DbJson(mutationDetection).

    • Method Detail

      • nextDirty

        MutableValueNext nextDirty​(String json)
        Compares the given json returning null if deemed unchanged or returning the MutableValueNext to use if deemed dirty/changed.

        Returning MutableValueNext allows an implementation based on hash/checksum to only perform that computation once.

        Null if deemed unchanged or the MutableValueNext if deemed changed.
      • isEqualToObject

        boolean isEqualToObject​(Object obj)
        Compares the given object to an internal value.

        This is used to support changelog/beanState. The implementation can serialize the object into json form and compare it against the original json.

      • get

        default Object get()
        Creates a new instance from the internal json string.

        This is used to provide an original/old value for change logging / persist listeners. This is only available for properties that have @DbJson(keepSource=true).