Class ManyWhereJoins

    • Method Detail

      • isRequireOuterJoins

        public boolean isRequireOuterJoins()
        Return the current 'mode' indicating if outer joins are currently required or not.
      • setRequireOuterJoins

        public void setRequireOuterJoins​(boolean requireOuterJoins)
        Set the 'mode' to be that joins added are required to be outer joins. This is set during the evaluation of disjunction predicates.
      • requireSqlDistinct

        public boolean requireSqlDistinct()
        Return true if this is an aggregation query or if there are no extra many where joins.
      • addFormulaWithJoin

        public void addFormulaWithJoin​(String propertyName)
        In findCount query found a formula property with a join clause so building a select clause specifically for the findCount query.
      • isFormulaWithJoin

        public boolean isFormulaWithJoin()
        Return true if the query select includes a formula with join.
      • setAggregation

        public void setAggregation()
        Mark this as part of an aggregation query (so using group by clause).
      • addAggregationJoin

        public void addAggregationJoin​(String property)
        Ensure we have the join required to support the aggregation properties.