Class DefaultDbMigration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultDbMigration
    extends Object
    implements DbMigration
    Generates DB Migration xml and sql scripts.

    Reads the prior migrations and compares with the current model of the EbeanServer and generates a migration 'diff' in the form of xml document with the logical schema changes and a series of sql scripts to apply, rollback the applied changes if necessary and drop objects (drop tables, drop columns).

    This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them.

           DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create();
    • Method Detail

      • setPathToResources

        public void setPathToResources​(String pathToResources)
        Set the path from the current working directory to the application resources.

        This defaults to maven style 'src/main/resources'.

        Specified by:
        setPathToResources in interface DbMigration
      • setMigrationPath

        public void setMigrationPath​(String migrationPath)
        Description copied from interface: DbMigration
        Set the path where migrations are generated to (which defaults to "dbmigration").

        Normally we only use this when we use Ebean to generate the database migrations and then use some other tool like FlywayDB to run the migrations.

        Example: with setMigrationPath("db/migration") ... the migrations are generated into src/resources/db/migration.

        Note that if Ebean migration runner is used we should not use this method but instead set the migrationPath via a property such that both the migration generator and migration runner both use the same path.

        Specified by:
        setMigrationPath in interface DbMigration
        migrationPath - The path that migrations are generated into.
      • setServer

        public void setServer​(Database database)
        Set the server to use to determine the current model. Typically this is not called explicitly.
        Specified by:
        setServer in interface DbMigration
      • setStrictMode

        public void setStrictMode​(boolean strictMode)
        Description copied from interface: DbMigration
        Set to false to turn off strict mode.

        Strict mode checks that a column changed to non-null on an existing table via DB migration has a default value specified. Set this to false if that isn't the case but it is known that all the existing rows have a value specified (there are no existing null values for the column).

        Specified by:
        setStrictMode in interface DbMigration
      • setAddForeignKeySkipCheck

        public void setAddForeignKeySkipCheck​(boolean addForeignKeySkipCheck)
        Description copied from interface: DbMigration
        Set to true if ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY should be generated with an option to skip validation.

        Currently this is only useful for Postgres DDL adding the NOT VALID option.

        Specified by:
        setAddForeignKeySkipCheck in interface DbMigration
      • setLockTimeout

        public void setLockTimeout​(int seconds)
        Description copied from interface: DbMigration
        Set the lock timeout to be included with the DDL generation.

        Currently this is only useful for Postgres migrations adding a set lock_timeout statement to the generated database migration.

        Specified by:
        setLockTimeout in interface DbMigration
      • setGeneratePendingDrop

        public void setGeneratePendingDrop​(String generatePendingDrop)
        Description copied from interface: DbMigration
        Generate a migration for the version specified that contains pending drops.
        Specified by:
        setGeneratePendingDrop in interface DbMigration
        generatePendingDrop - The version of a prior migration that holds pending drops.
      • setPlatform

        public void setPlatform​(io.ebean.annotation.Platform platform)
        Set the specific platform to generate DDL for.

        If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server.

        Specified by:
        setPlatform in interface DbMigration
      • addPlatform

        public void addPlatform​(io.ebean.annotation.Platform platform,
                                String prefix)
        Add an additional platform to write the migration DDL.

        Use this when you want to generate sql scripts for multiple database platforms from the migration (e.g. generate migration sql for MySql, Postgres and Oracle).

        Specified by:
        addPlatform in interface DbMigration
      • generateMigration

        public String generateMigration()
                                 throws IOException
        Generate the next migration xml file and associated apply and rollback sql scripts.

        This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them.

        Example: Run for a single specific platform

               DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create();

        Example: Run migration generating DDL for multiple platforms

               DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create();
               migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.POSTGRES, "pg");
               migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.MYSQL, "mysql");
               migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE, "mysql");
        Specified by:
        generateMigration in interface DbMigration
        the generated migration or null