Interface AutoTuneService

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AutoTuneService
    extends AutoTune
    Collects and manages the the profile information.

    The profile information is periodically converted into "tuned query details" - which is used to automatically tune the queries that use AutoTune.

    The "tuned query details" effectively are part of the query that has the select() and join() information (but not the where clause, order by, limits etc). These are applied to the query when tuneQuery() is called.

    • Method Detail

      • startup

        void startup()
        Load the query tuning information.
      • tuneQuery

        boolean tuneQuery​(SpiQuery<?> query)
        Called when a query thinks it should be automatically tuned by AutoTune.

        Returns true if the query was tuned.

      • collectProfiling

        void collectProfiling()
        Fire a garbage collection (hint to the JVM). Assuming garbage collection fires this will gather the usage profiling information.
        Specified by:
        collectProfiling in interface AutoTune
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
        On shutdown fire garbage collection and collect statistics. Note that usually we add a little delay (100 milliseconds) to give the garbage collector plenty of time to do its thing and collect the profile information.