Class SpiRawSql.ColumnMapping.Column

    • Constructor Detail

      • Column

        public Column​(int indexPos,
                      String dbColumn,
                      String dbAlias)
        Construct a Column.
    • Method Detail

      • getIndexPos

        public int getIndexPos()
        Return the index position of this column.
      • getDbColumnKey

        public String getDbColumnKey()
        Return the DB column alias if specified otherwise DB column. This is used as the key for mapping a column to a logical property.
      • getDbColumn

        public String getDbColumn()
        Return the DB column name including table alias (if it has one).
      • tableAliasMapping

        public void tableAliasMapping​(String path)
        Prepend the path to the property name.

        For example if path is "customer" then "name" becomes "".