Class ScalarTypeUUIDNative

    • Method Detail

      • bind

        public void bind​(DataBind b,
                         UUID value)
                  throws SQLException
        Description copied from interface: ScalarType
        Convert (if necessary) and bind the value to the preparedStatement.

        value may need to be converted from the logical bean property type to the JDBC type.

      • toJdbcType

        public Object toJdbcType​(Object value)
        Description copied from interface: ScalarType
        Convert the value as necessary to the JDBC type.

        Note that this should also match the type as per the getJdbcType() method.

        This is typically used when the matching type is used in a where clause and we use this to ensure it is an appropriate jdbc type.

        Specified by:
        toJdbcType in interface ScalarType<UUID>
        toJdbcType in class ScalarTypeUUIDBase