Interface TypeManager

    • Method Detail

      • add

        void add​(ScalarType<?> scalarType)
        Register a ScalarType with the system.
      • addEnumType

        void addEnumType​(ScalarType<?> type,
                         Class<? extends Enum> myEnumClass)
        Register a ScalarType for an Enum with can have multiple classes.
      • getScalarType

        ScalarType<?> getScalarType​(int jdbcType)
        Return the ScalarType for a given jdbc type.
        jdbcType - as per java.sql.Types
      • getScalarType

        ScalarType<?> getScalarType​(Class<?> type,
                                    int jdbcType)
        For java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar additionally pass the jdbc type that you would like the ScalarType to map to. This is because these types can map to different java.sql.Types depending on the property.
      • createEnumScalarType

        ScalarType<?> createEnumScalarType​(Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumType,
                                           javax.persistence.EnumType enumerated)
        Create a ScalarType for an Enum using a mapping (rather than JPA Ordinal or String which has limitations).
      • getArrayScalarType

        ScalarType<?> getArrayScalarType​(Class<?> type,
                                         io.ebean.annotation.DbArray dbArray,
                                         Type genericType,
                                         boolean nullable)
        Return the ScalarType used to handle DB ARRAY.