Interface DocStoreUpdateProcessor

  • public interface DocStoreUpdateProcessor
    Processes index updates.

    This involves sending updates directly to ElasticSearch via it's Bulk API or queuing events for future processing.

    • Method Detail

      • process

        void process​(DocStoreUpdates docStoreUpdates,
                     int bulkBatchSize)
        Process all the updates for a transaction.

        Typically this makes calls to the Bulk API of the document store or simply adds entries to a queue for future processing.

        docStoreUpdates - The 'Bulk' and 'Queue' updates to the indexes for the transaction.
        bulkBatchSize - The batch size to use for Bulk API calls specified on the transaction. If this is 0 then the default batch size is used.
      • commit

        void commit​(DocStoreTransaction docStoreTransaction)
        Perform commit/flush of the changes made via the document store transaction.