Class DocMappingBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • DocMappingBuilder

        public DocMappingBuilder​(PathProperties paths,
                                 io.ebean.annotation.DocStore docStore)
        Create with the document structure paths and docStore deployment annotation.
    • Method Detail

      • includesProperty

        public boolean includesProperty​(String prefix,
                                        String name)
        Return true if the property is included in the document.
      • includesPath

        public boolean includesPath​(String prefix,
                                    String name)
        Return true if the path is included in the document.
      • push

        public void push​(DocPropertyMapping nested)
        Push the nested object or list onto the properties stack.
      • pop

        public void pop()
        Pop the nested object or list off the properties stack.
      • applyMapping

        public void applyMapping()
        Apply any override mappings from the top level docStore annotation.
      • collectSortable

        public Map<String,​StringcollectSortable()
        Collect the mapping of properties to 'raw' properties for those marked as sortable.