



package qzio

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ResultSetIterator[T] extends BufferedIterator[T]


    In order to allow a ResultSet to be consumed by an Observable, a ResultSet iterator must be created.

    In order to allow a ResultSet to be consumed by an Observable, a ResultSet iterator must be created. Since Quill provides a extractor for an individual ResultSet row, a single row can easily be cached in memory. This allows for a straightforward implementation of a hasNext method.

  2. abstract class ZioJdbcContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends ZioContext[Dialect, Naming] with JdbcContextTypes[Dialect, Naming] with ProtoContext[Dialect, Naming] with ContextVerbStream[Dialect, Naming] with ContextVerbPrepare with ZioTranslateContext


    Quill context that executes JDBC queries inside of ZIO.

    Quill context that executes JDBC queries inside of ZIO. Unlike most other contexts that require passing in a Data Source, this context takes in a java.sql.Connection as a resource dependency which can be provided later (see ZioJdbc for helper methods that assist in doing this).

    The resource dependency itself is just a Has[Connection]. Since this is frequently used The type QIO[T] i.e. Quill-IO has been defined as an alias for ZIO[Has[Connection], SQLException, T].

    Since in most JDBC use-cases, a connection-pool datasource i.e. Hikari is used it would actually be much more useful to interact with ZIO[Has[DataSource], SQLException, T]. The extension method .onDataSource in io.getquill.context.ZioJdbc.QuillZioExt will perform this conversion (for even more brevity use onDS which is an alias for this method). {{ import ZioJdbc._ val zioDs = DataSourceLayer.fromPrefix("testPostgresDB")[Person]).onDataSource.provideCustomLayer(zioDS) }}

    If you are using a Plain Scala app however, you will need to manually run it e.g. using zio.Runtime {{ Runtime.default.unsafeRun([Person]).provideLayer(zioDS)) }}

    Note however that the one exception to these cases are the prepare methods where a ZIO[Has[Connection], SQLException, PreparedStatement] is being returned. In those situations the acquire-action-release pattern does not make any sense because the PrepareStatement is only held open while it's host-connection exists.

  3. abstract class ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends ZioContext[Dialect, Naming] with JdbcContextVerbExecute[Dialect, Naming] with ContextVerbStream[Dialect, Naming] with ZioPrepareContext[Dialect, Naming] with ZioTranslateContext

  4. trait ZioPrepareContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends ZioContext[Dialect, Naming] with ContextVerbPrepare

