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abort() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdRemoveAll
ABORT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType


beginTransaction() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
See KvdClient.beginTransaction(long) except this method uses the default transaction timeout
beginTransaction(long) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Begin a new transaction with the specified timeout and waits until the transaction has been created on the server.
beginTransactionAsync(long) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Begin a new transaction with the specified timeout.
build() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
build() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody.Builder
build() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody.Builder
builder(PacketType) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
builder(PacketType, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
builder(PacketType, int, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
Builder() - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody.Builder
BYE - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
ByteRingBuffer - Class in kvd.common
A ring buffer (circular buffer, FIFO) for bytes.
ByteRingBuffer(int) - Constructor for class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Creates a ring buffer.
ByteString - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
ByteString(byte[]) - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString


checkArgument(boolean) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
checkArgument(boolean, String, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
checkArgument(boolean, String, Object) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
checkFromIndexSize(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.IOStreamUtils
checkKey(byte[]) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
checkNotNull(T) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
checkState(boolean) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
checkTimeout(long, long) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
clear() - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Clears the ring buffer.
close() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Waits for pending requests to finish and closes the connection to the server.
close() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Rollback and close transaction.
CLOSE_CHANNEL - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
closeQuietly(AutoCloseable) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
closeSocketQuietly(Socket) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
commit() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Commit and close the transaction.
commitAsync() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Commit and close the transaction.
contains(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Returns true if a mapping for the specified key exists on the server.
contains(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Returns true if a mapping for the specified key exists on the server.
CONTAINS_ABORT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
CONTAINS_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
CONTAINS_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
containsAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
containsAsync(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
The returned Future evaluates to true if the key exists on the server, false otherwise
containsAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
containsAsync(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
The returned Future evaluates to true if the key exists on the server, false otherwise
copyFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString
copyFromUtf8(String) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString
copyLarge(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
Copies bytes from a large (over 2GB) InputStream to an OutputStream.
create(String) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClientBuilder
Create the KvdClient connecting to the given server.


discard(int) - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Discards the oldest len bytes within the ring buffer.


EndOfStreamException - Exception in kvd.common.packet.proto
EndOfStreamException() - Constructor for exception kvd.common.packet.proto.EndOfStreamException
EOF - Static variable in class kvd.common.Utils
equals(Object) - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
equals(Object) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString
equals(Object) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
equals(Object) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
equals(Object) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody
execute(KvdTransaction) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdVoidWork
execute(KvdTransaction) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdWork


fromHost(String) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Build a HostAndPort instance from a host only.
fromParts(String, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Build a HostAndPort instance from separate host and port values.
fromString(String) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Split a freeform string into a host and port, without strict validation.
fromUTF8(byte[]) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils


get(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Convenience method that calls KvdOperations.getAsync(String) and waits for the Future to complete.
get(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Convenience method that calls KvdOperations.getAsync(String) and waits for the Future to complete.
GET_ABORT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
GET_DATA - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
GET_FINISH - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
GET_INIT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
getAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
getAsync(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped
getAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
getAsync(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped
getByteBody() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
getBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Get a byte[] value.
getChannel() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
getFree() - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the number of free bytes within the ring buffer.
getFuture() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdRemoveAll
getHost() - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Returns the portion of this HostAndPort instance that should represent the hostname or IPv4/IPv6 literal.
getKey() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
getPort() - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Get the current port number, failing if no port is defined.
getPortOrDefault(int) - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Returns the current port number, with a default if no port is defined.
getPutInit() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
getSize() - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the size of the ring buffer.
getString(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Convenience method that gets a String value.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Convenience method that gets a String value.
getTimeoutMs() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody
getTransactionDefaultTimeoutMs() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Retrieve the default transaction timeout in milliseconds, 0 means no timeout.
getTtlMs() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
getTx() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
getTxBegin() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
getType() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
getUsed() - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the number of used bytes within the ring buffer.
getUserHome() - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils


hashCode() - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
hashCode() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString
hashCode() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
hashCode() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
hashCode() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody
hasPort() - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Return true if this instance has a defined port.
hello() - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
HELLO - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
HostAndPort - Class in kvd.common
humanReadableByteCountBin(long) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
humanReadableByteCountSI(long) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils


INVALID_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
IOStreamUtils - Class in kvd.common
IOStreamUtils() - Constructor for class kvd.common.IOStreamUtils
isBlank(CharSequence) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
isClosed() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Check if the KvdClient can still be used.
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
isTimeout(long, long) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils


kvd.client - package kvd.client
kvd.common - package kvd.common
kvd.common.packet - package kvd.common.packet
kvd.common.packet.proto - package kvd.common.packet.proto
KvdClient - Class in kvd.client
KvdClient is the public API that clients should use to interact with the server.
KvdClient(String) - Constructor for class kvd.client.KvdClient
Create a new KvdClient instance connecting to the server.
KvdClientBuilder - Class in kvd.client
Use this builder to construct a KvdClient instance when you need to set configuration options other than the default.
KvdClientBuilder() - Constructor for class kvd.client.KvdClientBuilder
KvdException - Exception in kvd.common
KvdException() - Constructor for exception kvd.common.KvdException
KvdException(String) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.KvdException
KvdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.KvdException
KvdException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.KvdException
KvdException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.KvdException
KvdInputStream - Class in kvd.common
KvdInputStream() - Constructor for class kvd.common.KvdInputStream
KvdOperations - Interface in kvd.client
KvdRemoveAll - Class in kvd.client
KvdRemoveAll(ClientBackend, Consumer<Abortable>) - Constructor for class kvd.client.KvdRemoveAll
KvdTransaction - Class in kvd.client
Transaction support, Unit of Work pattern
KvdVoidWork - Interface in kvd.client
For executing transactions, this is a unit of work.
KvdWork<T> - Interface in kvd.client
For executing transactions, this is a unit of work.


length(CharSequence) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
lenientFormat(String, Object...) - Static method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
lock(String) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
LOCK - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
lockAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Obtain write lock on the key in the same way a put or remove operation would do.
lockAsync(String) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Obtain write lock on the key in the same way a put or remove operation would do.


newBuilder() - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
newBuilder() - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
newBuilder() - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody


packet(PacketType) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
packet(PacketType, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
packet(PacketType, int, byte[]) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
packet(PacketType, int, int) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
packet(PacketType, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
Packet - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
Packet(PacketType, int, int, PacketBody) - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
Packet.Builder - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
PacketBody - Interface in kvd.common.packet.proto
Packets - Class in kvd.common.packet
Packets() - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.Packets
PacketType - Enum Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
PING - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
PONG - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
put(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Put a new value or replace an existing.
put(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Put a new value or replace an existing.
PUT_ABORT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
PUT_COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
PUT_DATA - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
PUT_FINISH - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
PUT_INIT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
putAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
putAsync(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Put a new value or replace an existing.
putAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
putAsync(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Put a new value or replace an existing.
putBytes(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Put a byte array key/value pair.
PutInitBody - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
PutInitBody(byte[]) - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
PutInitBody(long, ByteString) - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
PutInitBody.Builder - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
putString(String, String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Convenience method that puts a String value.
putString(String, String, String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Convenience method that puts a String value.


read() - Method in class kvd.common.KvdInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Reads data from the ring buffer.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Reads data from the ring buffer.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class kvd.common.KvdInputStream
receiveHello(InputStream) - Static method in class kvd.common.packet.Packets
remove(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Removes the mapping for the specified key from the server.
remove(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Removes the mapping for the specified key from the server.
REMOVE_ABORT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
REMOVE_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
REMOVE_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
removeAll() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Remove all keys and values from the database.
REMOVEALL_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
removeAllAsync() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Removes all keys and values from the database.
removeAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
removeAsync(byte[]) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Removes the mapping for the specified key from the server.
removeAsync(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
removeAsync(String) - Method in interface kvd.client.KvdOperations
Removes the mapping for the specified key from the server.
requireBracketsForIPv6() - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Generate an error if the host might be a non-bracketed IPv6 literal.
resize(int) - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Resizes the ring buffer by preserving it's data.
rollback() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Rollback and close the transaction.
rollbackAsync() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
Rollback and close the transaction.


setByteBody(ByteString) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
setChannel(int) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
setKey(ByteString) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody.Builder
setPutInit(PutInitBody) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
setServerTimeoutSeconds(int) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClientBuilder
setSocketSoTimeoutMs(int) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClientBuilder
setTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody.Builder
setTransactionDefaultTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClientBuilder
Set the default transaction timeout in milliseconds, 0 means no timeout.
setTtlMs(long) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody.Builder
setTx(int) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
setTxBegin(TxBeginBody) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
setType(PacketType) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet.Builder
start() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdRemoveAll


toByteArray() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString
toByteArray() - Method in interface kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketBody
toByteArray() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.PutInitBody
toByteArray() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody
toByteArray(InputStream) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
toCharset(String) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
Returns a Charset for the named charset.
toString() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdRemoveAll
toString() - Method in class kvd.client.KvdTransaction
toString() - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Rebuild the host:port string, including brackets if necessary.
toStringUtf8() - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.ByteString
toUTF8(String) - Static method in class kvd.common.Utils
TransactionClosedException - Exception in kvd.common
TransactionClosedException() - Constructor for exception kvd.common.TransactionClosedException
TransactionClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.TransactionClosedException
TransactionClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.TransactionClosedException
TransactionClosedException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.TransactionClosedException
TransactionClosedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception kvd.common.TransactionClosedException
TX_ABORT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
TX_BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
TX_CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
TX_COMMIT - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
TX_ROLLBACK - Enum constant in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
TxBeginBody - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto
TxBeginBody(byte[]) - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody
TxBeginBody(long) - Constructor for class kvd.common.packet.proto.TxBeginBody
TxBeginBody.Builder - Class in kvd.common.packet.proto


Utils - Class in kvd.common
Utils() - Constructor for class kvd.common.Utils


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class kvd.common.packet.proto.PacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in class kvd.common.Version
Version - Class in kvd.common
Version(Manifest) - Constructor for class kvd.common.Version


withDefaultPort(int) - Method in class kvd.common.HostAndPort
Provide a default port if the parsed string contained only a host.
withTransaction(KvdWork<T>) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Execute a new or join an existing KvdTransaction that has been started either with KvdClient.withTransaction(KvdWork) or KvdClient.withTransactionVoid(KvdVoidWork).
withTransactionVoid(KvdVoidWork) - Method in class kvd.client.KvdClient
Same as KvdClient.withTransaction(KvdWork) except this does not return a result
write(byte[]) - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Writes data to the ring buffer.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class kvd.common.ByteRingBuffer
Writes data to the ring buffer.
writeDelimitedTo(OutputStream) - Method in class kvd.common.packet.proto.Packet
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form